Help needed… BigBox Dual with DuetWifi
I'm a bit lost.
I'm trying to setup my BigBox Dual (just concentrating on one extruder for now) to the DuetWifi with PanelDue & 7" screen and the PT100 thingy.
I've got the latest firmware loaded in the \sys folder. But my PanelDue is not upgraded yet… shows ver 1.15..Need instructions how to upgrade PanelDue 7"
I've got the wiring (except for the thermisters) done. Looking for the docs on how to wire up the PT100 things.
If I hit the home button for x, y or z... nothing happens.
I can manually move the X Y and Z in desired directions via the move screen.
If hit the level icon, the carriage moves in a slant V formation.I noticed the wifi takes a while to load... is that normal?
and yes now I can control it too via USB but i would prefer the Wifi web screen.please assist.
Thank you for choosing the Duet WiFi.
For PanelDue firmware upgrade instructions, see
PT100 wiring docs are at
If homing isn't working then most probably there is an error in your config.g file or your homing files on the SD card. I suggest you either create them using, or find a set already made for the BigBox - there is probably a link to one in this thread
The WiFi module takes up to about 20 seconds to connect to your router after the M552 S1 command in config.g is executed, but once it has connected, the web page should only take about a second to load in your browser.
HTH David
I used the G codes from this link:
X and Y will home ok.
Z will not home…. yes the endstop is wired up... red, blank, black, yellow.
Bed and PT100 will work to set temperatures.
Extruder works… I nearly forgot that the extruder will not extrude if the head is not at temp... well duh!
It still needs some work.
When I connect over Wifi... and i select the yellow CONNECT button in the upper left... it stays at connecting... why and how to fix?I really wish you all had a stock set of files and setup for known boxes like the BigBox Single and Dual with stock items.
Have you tested that the Z endstop switch is being read correctly, using M119 ?
There is a stock set of files, in that thread you linked.
I'm not sure how to interpret this:
on the 7" screen, i press CONSOLE.
I entered M119
it comes back with Endstops - X: not stopped, Y: not stopped, Z: at min stop, Z Probe: at min stop.
But the carriage head is about 1" + above the bed, not at any minimum.When I connect over Wifi… and i select the yellow CONNECT button in the upper left... it stays at connecting... why and how to fix?
Update 2:
It turns out that the wiring for the Z Probe is different for the blue pcb production version of the DuetWifi. The pre-production white pcb version is what was documented by the origial poster in BigBox forum link mentioned above.
So now I can home all three axis.
But a auto bed leveling does not allow for me to adjust the height like the original RUMBA that was in the BigBox. How do I get that kind of height adjustment for the head over the bed? I had a pretty good reliable routine of using a paper as a thickness guide. A test print did not stick to the bed since the height was maybe .05 (estimated) to high.The auto bed map looks way out of whack…
Also, the PanelDue screen does not show "probe" like I'v seen in other photos of the panelDue. It shows PrNNN where NNN is some number.
I found that the Duetwifi Web console is NOT compatible with Internet Explorer.... it would NEVER connect. As soon as I start Chrome, go the Web UI IP address it would connect within about 1 second.
To adjust the Z=0 height semi-permanently, adjust the Z probe trigger height, which is the Z parameter in the G31 command in config.g. Caution: if you have a config-override.g file then it probably has a G31 command in it too, which overrides the one in config.g (like EEPROM on Rumba).
To adjust the first layer height while printing, use the baby stepping buttons on the web interface or PanelDue.
It is documented in the Getting Connected section of the wiki that you should use Chrome or Firefox to access the web interface. IE is hopeless on HTML5 compatibility. Microsoft's Edge browser mostly worked with DWC last time I tried it, but it wasn't completely reliable.
Update 2:
It turns out that the wiring for the Z Probe is different for the blue pcb production version of the DuetWifi. The pre-production white pcb version is what was documented by the origial poster in BigBox forum link mentioned above.
Sorry for the confusion. The change in pinout was noted near the bottom of the first post, but I've added a note regarding this in the PanelDue section of the post.
I'm getting closer, but honestly i'm getting frustrated.
I'm using a stock BigBox, with stock IR probe. Surely other BigBox users have moved to DuetWifi. What do they use for settings? I compared my codes to the ones pointed out here and on the e3dforum and mine mostly match, some parts in different order.It really shouldn't be this hard.
I've pieced together my bed.g file with 9 points. the mechanics of the mesh seem to look ok, but when I test print, the z height is at .30 and it digs a trench in the blue painters tape. too low. I really wish we had human intervention for setting the mesh heights like the way the RUMBA does. and then store those values.
Other issues: I get constant " MESSAGE ETE 00s" and then more messages as the time to complete a test print clicks down… overlay-ed on the touch panel. annoying and useless. And on the WebConsole I get the same messages stacked one above the other, also counting downwards. Both should be updating a dynamic message prompt and not re-writing the text, scrolling the one before it. Please advise how to fix these.
Yes, many people are using DuetWifi on a BigBox. A handful of them have posted their config.g in that previously linked thread.
We're here to help, no need to reach the point of frustration. Several contributors check the forum daily and are ready to assist. It would help if you posted your config.g and bed.g files here, it is hard to help without seeing what you're doing so far.
Messages like what you describe are being generated by your slicer, not the Duet.
OK. Here are my .G files.
; StevenL BigBox 4-25-2017 ; Bed.g ; Before running this, you should have set up your zprobe Z offset to suit your build, in the G31 command in config.g. M561 ; clear any bed transform, otherwise homing may be at the wrong height G31 X0 Y0 ; don't want any probe offset for this G28 ; home the printer T0 ; Make sure that the correct tool is used to ensure the probe is on the print bed ; Probe the bed at 9 points G30 P0 X35 Y20 H0 Z-99999 ; First coordinate, tool0 not at 0,0 --> probe at bed G30 P1 X120 Y20 H0 Z-99999 ; second coordinate, tool0 not at 0,0 --> probe at bed G30 P2 X250 Y20 H0 Z-99999 ; third coordinate, tool0 not at 0,0 --> probe at bed G30 P3 X35 Y100 H0 Z-99999 ; fourth coordinate, tool0 not at 0,0 --> probe at bed G30 P4 X120 Y100 H0 Z-99999 ; fifth coordinate, tool0 not at 0,0 --> probe at bed G30 P5 X250 Y100 H0 Z-99999 ; sixth coordinate, tool0 not at 0,0 --> probe at bed G30 P6 X35 Y180 H0 Z-99999 ; seventh coordinate, tool0 not at 0,0 --> probe at bed G30 P7 X120 Y180 H0 Z-99999 ; eighth coordinate, tool0 not at 0,0 --> probe at bed G30 P8 X250 Y180 H0 Z-99999 S0 ; nineth and last coordinate, tool0 not at 0,0 --> probe at bed. ;Somewhat midpoint... Store measured values Config.g file:
; Configuration file for BigBox v1.1 3D printer Dual hybrid Titan with 7" Paneldue ; StevenL BigBox 4-25-2017 ; Config.g ;*** Communication and general ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M111 S0 ; Debug off M550 BigBoxDual ; Machine name (can be anything you like) M551 Bigbox123 ; Machine password (used for FTP connections) ;*** If you have more than one Duet on your network, they must all have different MAC addresses, so change the last digits M540 P0xBE:0xEF:0xDE:0xAD:0xFE:0xED ; MAC Address ;*** Wifi Networking ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M552 S1 ; Enable WiFi M555 P2 ; Set output to look like Marlin M575 P1 B57600 S1 ; Comms parameters for PanelDue ; Machine configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M569 P0 S1 ; X Drive 0 goes forwards (Seems to differ randomly between printers change to S0 to change direction) M569 P1 S0 ; Y Drive 1 goes backwards (Seems to differ randomly between printers change to S1 to change direction) M569 P2 S0 ; Z Drive 2 goes backwards (Seems to differ randomly between printers change to S1 to change direction) M569 P3 S1 ; E0 Drive 3 goes forwards (Seems to differ randomly between printers change to S0 to change direction) M569 P4 S1 ; E1 Drive 4 goes forwards (Seems to differ randomly between printers change to S0 to change direction) ; endstop configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ M574 X1 Y1 S1 ; set endstop configuration (X and Y and endstops only, at low end, active high) M350 X16 Y16 E16 I1 ; Set 16x microstepping with interpolation M906 X800 Y700 Z800 E1000:1000 ; Set motor currents (mA) and increase idle current to 60% M201 X800 Y800 Z15 E1000 ; Accelerations (mm/s^2) M203 X15000 Y15000 Z100 E3600 ; Maximum speeds (mm/min) M566 X600 Y600 Z30 E20 ; Minimum speeds mm/minute M208 X270 Y230 Z250 ; set axis maxima (adjust to suit your machine) M208 X-20 Y0 Z-1.35 S1 ; set axis minimum (adjust to make X=0 and Y=0 the edge of the bed) --M208 X0 Y0 Z-0.2 S1 M92 X160 Y360 Z400 ; Set axis steps/mm M92 E417.5:430.41 ; Set extruder steps per mm G21 ; Work in millimetres G90 ; Send absolute coordinates... M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves ; Z probe------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M558 P1 X0 Y0 Z1 H6 F200 T4000 ; Smart IR Z probe, used for homing Z axis, dive height 6mm (was 3mm), probe speed 200mm/min, travel speed 5000mm/min G31 X-25.19 Y7 Z2.8 P500 ; Set the probe height and threshold; increase Z to decrease bed probe distance X11.0 Y0.5 z was 2.3 ; Thermistors and heaters --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M305 P0 T100000 B4388 R4700 H0 L0 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the bed thermistor ADC correction M305 P1 X200 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the first nozzle thermistor ADC correction M305 P2 X201 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the second nozzle thermistor ADC correction ;*** You can use S and B parameters to define the parameters of the thermistors you are using M301 H1 P10 I0.10 D100 T0.50 S1.0 ; PID settings for extruder 0 (You should calibrate this to your printer) M307 H2 A452.0 C224.9 D8.6 ; PID settings for extruder 1 (You should calibrate this to your printer) ;***Fans------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ M106 P0 F10 ; Fix for Bigbox Blower M106 P1 T45 H1 ; Set temp for H1 fan start M106 P2 T45 H2 ; Set temp for H2 fan start ; Tool definition-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M563 P0 D0 H1 ; Define tool 0 G10 P0 X0.0 Y0.0 Z0.0 S0 R0 ; Set tool 0 operating and standby temperatures M563 P1 D1 H2 ; Define tool 1 G10 P1 X38.3 Y0.0 Z0.0 S0 R0 ; Set tool 1 operating and standby temperatures ;M556 S78 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Axis compensation here M140 S0 ; Set bed heating to off ;G29 S1 ; Read bed calibration. ( un-comment AFTER bed leveling has been done... and all coordinate are checked in scripts... trust me on that...) T0 ; select first hot end (All my scripts uses T0 as reference so I always try to remember to set it so no script makes a off bed setting) Homeall.g:
; StevenL BigBox 4-25-2017 ; homeall.g ; Lift Z relative to current position T0 ; select first hot end G91 ; Relative coordinates G1 Z4 F6000 ; Lower bed to avoid hotend dragging in bed. G1 X-350 Y-240 F3000 S1 ; move up to 350mm in the -X and -Y directions until the homing switches are triggered G1 X6 Y6 F600 ; move slowly 6mm in +X and +Y directions G1 X-10 Y-10 S1 ; move up to 10mm in the -X and -Y directions until the homing switches are triggered G90 ; Absolute coordinates ; ############################################# G1 X35 Y15 F3000 ; Go to first bed probe point and home the Z axis G30 ; Home Z-axis HomeX.g :
; StevenL BigBox 4-25-2017 ; HomeX.g ; X axis homing file for dc42 Duet firmware T0 ; select first hot end G91 ; Relative coordinates G1 Z4 F200 ; Lower bed to avoid hotend dragging in bed. G1 X-350 F3000 S1 ; move up to 350mm in the -X direction until the homing switches are triggered G1 X6 F600 ; move slowly 6mm in +X direction G1 X-10 S1 ; move up to 10mm in the -X direction until the homing switches are triggered G90 ; Absolute coordinates G1 X35 Y15 F3000 ; Go to first bed probe point and home the Z axis G91 ; Relative coordinates G1 Z-4 F200 ; Raise bed to original height. G90 ; Absolute coordinates HomeY.g :
; StevenL BigBox 4-25-2017 ; HomeY.g ; Y homing file for dc42 Duet firmware T0 ; select first hot end G91 ; Relative coordinates G1 Z4 F200 ; Lower bed to avoid hotend dragging in bed. G1 Y-240 F3000 S1 ; move up to 240mm in the -Y direction until the homing switch are triggered G1 Y6 F600 ; move slowly 6mm in +Y direction G1 Y-10 S1 ; move up to 10mm in the -Y direction until the homing switch are triggered G90 ; Absolute coordinates G1 X35 Y15 F3000 ; Go to first bed probe point and home the Z axis G91 ; Relative coordinates G1 Z-4 F200 ; Raise bed to original height. G90 ; Absolute coordinates HomeZ.g :
;StevenL BigBox 4-25-2017 ; HomeZ.g T0 ; select first hot end G91 ; Relative coordinates G1 Z5 F200 ; Lower bed to avoid hotend dragging in bed. G90 ; Absoulte coordinates G1 X35 Y15 F3000 ; Go to first bed probe point and home the Z axis G30 ; Calibrate Z-axis G1 Z1 F200 ; Raise bed to 1mm. DeployProbe.g :
; Probe deployment routine M564 S0 ; don't apply limits G1 X25 Y93 Z40 F10000 ; put probe arm next to belt G1 X-5 F500 ; move probe arm across belt G1 X12 F1000 ; move probe back G1 X0 Y0 F10000 ; move to somewhere sensible M564 S1 ; apply limits again If I am missing codes or have extra codes not needed, please edit and let me know.
Also, if any values need to be changes, please advise.
If I can get the BigBox dialed in, I may consider a DuetWifi for my 3yr old Prusai3 and remove its RAMPS board.thanks in advance.
Some suggestions:
- in the homez.g and homeall.g files you are moving the head to X35 Y15 before probing. It would be better to move to the centre of the bed.
- if after that the nozzle is still too low when you start to print, this means that you have configured the probe trigger height too high (Z parameter in the G31 command). Have you measured the trigger height?
- you don't need the deployprobe.g or retractprobe.g file
- configure your slicer to not generate a M117 message after each layer
Have not had time yet to measure the trigger height… it didnt take the G29 command.
I'll have more time tomorrow night.
I did find that my slc3r in RepetierHost was starting the z height at 0.3... I changed that to 0.85.I tried a test print... not please with the results... crappy adhesion, head plowing thru the previous layed filament, globs, jerky movement around the brim.
I can't tell if its settings in the DuetWifi .G files or from the RepetierHost/slic3r config files.
I used the SAME ReptierHost and its config files on the same BigBox, but with the RUMBA board. The change I made was the Com port.thoughts?
Have not had time yet to measure the trigger height…
You wont get the Z probing working correctly until you measure your trigger height and put that into config.g: didnt take the G29 command.
How you you mean it did not take the command?
I did find that my slc3r in RepetierHost was starting the z height at 0.3… I changed that to 0.85.
Your slicer should be setting Z to the correct first layer height (0.3 sounds correct, 0.85 does not)
OK so I went thru and measured the z probe trigger over 9 points. similar to the areas used by the RUMBA mesh.
What do I do with those values?I went ahead and defined the mesh grid with: M557 X10:270 Y10:200 S20
BUT i get this error: AFTER a G29 command: Error: Z probe was not triggered during probing moveI tried with bigger spacing of M557 X10:270 Y10:200 S60, but I get the SAME error after G29.
What do I do now?
Lets start at the beginning, I am assuming that your bed is roughly level left/right and back front, If not its best to adjust mechnically until . When you do a simple G30 in the center of the bed is the new Z height correct (determine by using a paper feeler).
If its not correct then change the Z trigger offset in config.g until it is correct.
So am I to understand that the DuetWifi only uses 1 point as the overall Z-Height reference for the WHOLE print bed?
IF so, that's not what even the RUMBA can do. In fact one of the selling points of the Mesh bed leveling is to NOT have to level the entire bed. Even e3d shows a video of an extreme tilted bed… raised about an inch or two on the left and the print STILL prints flat, true and level.
Please tell me how to use my manual 9 point test points in a mesh bed format.
Have you read this guide ?
Edit: fixed link
So am I to understand that the DuetWifi only uses 1 point as the overall Z-Height reference for the WHOLE print bed?
It can do that, or it can do several positions over the area of the print bed.
But the first step is telling the Duet where the probe is relative to the nozzle's tip. Which is what Tony was trying to help with.
The IR sensor measures the distance from the IR sensor to the bed. But what matters is the distance from the nozzle to the bed. So it is necessary to find that difference, or "offset". Which is what Tony was trying to assist you with.
and you don't need to do manual measure at a number of prob points either also the Mesh bed leveling will work out it's own number of probe points from the params you feed it think it is of the order of 170plus on a cartesian you just need to tell the firmware max and min for each axis and the spacing between the probe points.
But as both Tim and Tony have said the system needs to know at what hight the IR Board triggers at when the nozzle is just touching the bed!
I keep getting this: Error: Z probe already triggered at start of probing move
I'm thinking that the movements of the Z motors are not measured the same as the command.
How do I calibrate the movements of each of the X, Y and Z motors? Meaning, When I command +5 on the panel or Gcode, the motor actually moves 5mm.
I'm using the stock motors on this BigBox dual. -
The amount of Z movement is controlled by the Z parameter in the M92 command in config.g. This sets the steps per mm.
Another possible reason for probing starting too close to the bed is that your Z axis travel from the homing position is a little less than the 250mm you have specified. Set it in the M208 command.
My mm steps needed to be 1600. not 400 as was shown in the above config.g file.
I was able to do the mesh leveling macro from that PDF elmoret posted. Thanks
The trigger height was 1.38.
The graph that appears after I ran the macro, does show all red, but that's ok by me as long as the print is fine. I;m not even sure how to improve it. Instructions?
I did two test cubes for the xyz calibration.
They look good, however I can see the differences between the two based upon the slicer changes.
I use Repetier Host 2.0 and Slic3r. -
If the height map is all red then that just means that the homed height is not exactly the 250mm that you quoted in the M208 Z parameter. If you want to see what the height map looks like, position the head over the center of the bed and probe there using a single G30 command, before you run G29.