Duet3 and power limits on the IO_x pins.
I'm looking to power an Adafruit Metro Mini, which requires 5v. It says it has an onboard power regulator to supply 150mA out, so I would assume that this would be the highest power draw theMetro Mini would pull?
My question is, can I power this off of the 5v that's on the IO_x 5v_ext pin?
@Nuramori said in Duet3 and power limits on the IO_x pins.:
I'm looking to power an Adafruit Metro Mini, which requires 5v. It says it has an onboard power regulator to supply 150mA out, so I would assume that this would be the highest power draw theMetro Mini would pull?
My question is, can I power this off of the 5v that's on the IO_x 5v_ext pin?
Maximum total power draw (sum of 5V and 3.3V current) from the IO pins, the Raspberry Pi connector and the DotStar LED connector is 3A. There is also a total limit on +3.3v power that we haven't quantified yet, but I think 200mA should be OK.