Question regarding heat ranges...
A friend of mine can't post here because every time he tries, it aborts the post with "Post content was flagged as spam by"
Here's his question:
"I have a duet 2 wifi and works great but i am considering building a enclosure for my 3d printer. I am trying to find the safe operating temperature for the board before I begin designing the enclosure. it will come in handy when designing the enclosure."Thanks folks!
just a thought. you dont need to put the duet inside of the enclosure.
As Veti says, don't put the Duet or the power supply into the enclosure.
As far as allowable heat in the enclosure, I would not push it above 50C as you might exceed the safe temperature for the stepper motors (unless these are outside the enclosure). -
The Duet is built into the printer (SeeMeCNC Artemis 300). the enclosure temperature is solely driven by the heat coming off of the heated bed.