RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!
Upgrading DWC does not require configuration changes.
@DIY-O-Sphere said in RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!:
@DaBit said in RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!:
Difference with RRF2.05 is 0.12mm smaller.
I can confirm that for a Maestro.
Wow, this is weird?!
@DaBit Ref the BL touch offset, does using a slower probing speed help? Or more specifically does probing speed affect the offset? Just wondering if there could be a latency issue between when the BL touch triggers and when the firmware reacts to that trigger. I don't use a BL touch myself so I could be way off the mark.
Edit. And is the probe connected to the main board or an expansion board? -
how i must convert this code :
;Water temp M305 S"Water temperature" P103 X2 T10000 B3950 And that:
; Z-Probe M574 Z1 S2 ; Set endstops controlled by probe M558 P1 H5 F120 T3000 ; Set Z probe type to modulated and the dive height + speeds G31 P467 X0 Y40 Z1.0 ; Set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height how it's with auto bed compensation do i need there also to change anything
But you also have to edit some more places in config.g and in some files in sys folder. Maybe it's easy to do the base of conversion with the online configurator. -
@DIY-O-Sphere Thanks
Can I control my water temperature (PWM noctua Fan's) with out selected heater in code, just with one sensor which measuring water temp.?
@matej1006 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!:
Can I control my water temperature (PWM noctua Fan's) with out selected heater in code, just with one sensor which measuring water temp.?
Yes, set up a sensor for the water temperature (M308), then set the fan to run thermostatically based on that sensor. In RRF3 the H parameter in the M106 command is the sensor number, not a heater number.
Like that:;Water temp M308 S5 P"e1temp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4138 ;configure sensor 5 as thermistor on pin e1temp ; Fans M950 F0 C"!Fan0+exp.pb6" Q25000 ; fan 0 is a 4-wire PWM fan so invert it, use high PWM frequency, tacho connected to PB6 on expansion connector M106 H0 S1 T25 and can i control 3 fan with one PWM output and one tacho input?
Today I had to undo the change.... -
@matej1006 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!:
Like that:;Water temp M308 S5 P"e1temp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4138 ;configure sensor 5 as thermistor on pin e1temp ; Fans M950 F0 C"!Fan0+exp.pb6" Q25000 ; fan 0 is a 4-wire PWM fan so invert it, use high PWM frequency, tacho connected to PB6 on expansion connector M106 H0 S1 T25 and can i control 3 fan with one PWM output and one tacho input?
You've created sensor 5 to read the water temperature and fan 0 to control the pump. So you need P0 H5 in the M106 command, not H0.
Yes you can parallel the wires of multiple 4-wire fans except for the tacho wires.
I just noticed that the PWM frequency for the heated bed seems a bit fast (I can see the LED dimming instead of flashing), especially for a 230VAC heater controlled by an SSR.
I see in the documentation that I can change the PWM frequency using the Q parameter in the M950 that creates the bead heater output, but what is the default frequency, and what is the minimum frequency? I would like to use a 2Hz or so, which is plenty in my case (10mm aluminium heated bed).
Maybe another thing for the RRF configurator, to add the Q parameter to the M950 that creates the bed heater?
My questions are about z-probe and bed leveling.
I updated my Duet wifi 1.02 with these new firmware.
z-probe: if I understood correctly there are no g-code modification if I'm using Smart Effector's true? ( I'm talking about gcode for zprobe)
bed leveling: the automatic leveling was removed? I tried to run the leveling from web interface and started with a manual leveling.
@bulka said in RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!:
I tried to run the leveling from web interface and started with a manual leveling.
This indicates the firmware thinks that a probe is NOT defined. Which sort of answers your first question.
I believe you will, at minimum, need to add C"zstop" to your M558. That's assuming you have the smart effector plugged into the Z endstop pin.
Could you post your existing M558 please?
@DaBit I don't have that problem with my bed heater which is mains powered via SSR but I'm currently the other side of the world to my printer so can't say how it's configured. But IIRC, the default frequency for a bed heater is 10 Hz.
I keep running into error when homingall
G28 SetPosition called when DDA ring not empty
@Adamfilip said in RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!:
I keep running into error when homingall
G28 SetPosition called when DDA ring not empty
Please confirm that you are running version 3.0 (not beta or RC), and post your config.g file, homeall.g file, deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g files if you have them, and any other files that homeall.g calls.
@deckingman: I think RRF3 is a lot more generalised / has a lot less notion of specific pin functions than RRF2. It would not surprise me that a 'create heater output' M950 does not differentiate between different kind of heaters. Which is, IMHO, a good thing.
But the flipside is that the PWM frequency is also default, and probably quite high. Which does not work well for SSR's and especially the zero-crossing types; you can turn them on or off 100 times a second maximum (in the 50Hz EU). Thus, if one uses a 10Hz PWM frequency, the power can be regulated in 10% increments only, which is already not very high resolution. With a 500Hz PWM frequency the triggering of the SSR becomes a statistical function; a higher duty cycle makes it more likely that the SSR triggers at the zero crossing. It will regulate, but more in a bang-bang like fashion than a nicely controlled proportional fashion.
Since the thermal time constant of my heated bed is so large, I could easily get away with a 0.1Hz PWM frequency, but that increases thermal stress (wires in the heater heating up - cooling down - heating up - cooling down...), so 2-5Hz is a better option.
Which made me search for the limits on PWM frequency, which I did not find.
@Adamfilip : I got those 'G28 SetPosition called when DDA ring not empty' messages too after upgrading to RRF3, and in my case it had something to do with the endstop switches being setup in the wrong polarity. They were already triggered when the homing move started.
After fixing this, the message went away. -
@DaBit said in RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!:
@Adamfilip : I got those 'G28 SetPosition called when DDA ring not empty' messages too after upgrading to RRF3, and in my case it had something to do with the endstop switches being setup in the wrong polarity. They were already triggered when the homing move started.
After fixing this, the message went away.I still want to find out exactly what is causing this, so that I can fix it.