How are the TMC2660 drivers hooked up?
I see that the DuetWiFi uses the TMC2660 stepper drivers. These drivers have a number of features, including stall detection. Are these available to the firmware? I guess the easiest way would be if all the drivers were accessible over SPI? Or is only step/direction available?
Presumably one would need to modify the firmware, that's not a problem.
The drivers are connected by SPI. For reference the full electronics source are available here: firmware wish list forum is where to discuss implementation of stall guard etc in firmware. I know David has it.on the list as part of the overall work on managing stepper power as part of advanced power management.
Thanks! I tried looking at the schematics but got nothing but blank outlines; I assume it's because my Kicad is set up wrong (never used it before).
Tony, are you going to put a pdf schematic on github too?
For KiCAD you need to use at least version 4.0.2. The custom parts are in the distribution on Github, you might need to point your libraries path at that, I thought it was relative within the project but maybe its not.
edit: added a page to the wiki that links to the source files: