End stop bounce
I am now moving forward with my rebuild, I click on home all, but I get what I would call "end stop bounce", X,Y,Z, all go up but bounce around then drop 5mm and all is well. how do I stop the bounce??
The "bounce" is deliberate, it allows the head to be centred even if the endstop switch heights are not even and have to be corrected using M666. You can remove the bounce and hed centering if you wish, the gcodes that do it are in homedelta.g.
Thanks for that, maybe the word bounce was the wrong one to use, the X,Y,Z rattle around and it looks like the belt is slipping.
Sounds like the endstops might not be triggering and the printer keeps trying to home until the maximum distance in homedelta.g is reached.
Check in the web interface on Settings->Machine Properties page (or using the M119 command in the console) that all three endstops show triggered when you close them with your finger.
Thank you for your help, I am getting some where.
I now have three "Yes" in MP and no LED if I press limit switch by hand I have NO in MP and a red LED how do I reverse this??
I have tried changing he wires round.Mike
If you are using ordinary microswitches as endstop switches and you are using the normally-closed contacts (which is recommended) then it is normal for the endstop LEDs to be illuminated when the switches are not triggered, and to go out when they are triggered.
If the endstop status in the Machine Properties tab or as reported by M119 is the wrong way round, this indicates that the S parameter your M574 command in config.g is wrong. Use S1 for normally-closed switches.
HTH David
Many thanks David, all working,