Duet 3 With SSR, can you use Out1?
If I am just going to an SSR, is it still recommended to run power to "OUT 0 Power In", then "OUT 0" to the SSR, or can the extra 24V wires to "OUT 0 Power In" be skipped and just use OUT 1 to control the SSR?
If not is it OK to just jumper "Power In" to "OUT 0 Power In" or does it need it own run from the power supply?
With RRF3 you can configure anything for anything, so you can easily use Out1.
Or you could jump Out0 Power in to the supply, or you could send 3,5 or 24v to the SSR and just use Out0- from the big terminals.
@bearer Thanks! I wasn't sure if there was something special about out 0 that the bed had to be fed off if, also that's a good point I could feed the ssr off a low voltage if I stick with out 0 didn't think about that.
@Miasmictruth said in Duet 3 With SSR, can you use Out1?:
also that's a good point I could feed the ssr off a low voltage if I stick with out 0 didn't think about that.
you can do that with any output, as all of them are low side switched with a fixed positvie pin (just beware you might bypass a fuse and a flyback diode if you use a random positive)
In the old firmware heater0 was expected to be the bed, but the new version does away with most implicit functions.
You can... but there's not much point. Out0 is 'intended' for the bed, might as well use it, and almost all SSRs are good up to 35V on the low side.
Here is an example. I did run separate power to Out0's input, only because I was future proofing. Jumpers would work equally well. The thin wires go to the SSR.
@Miasmictruth said in Duet 3 With SSR, can you use Out1?:
If I am just going to an SSR, is it still recommended to run power to "OUT 0 Power In", then "OUT 0" to the SSR, or can the extra 24V wires to "OUT 0 Power In" be skipped and just use OUT 1 to control the SSR?
You can use OUT1 instead of you wish.
If not is it OK to just jumper "Power In" to "OUT 0 Power In" or does it need it own run from the power supply?
Yes you can do that. Alternatively you could connect your SSR +ve control input wire direct to +VIN so that you don't need to jumper anything, but then the bed heater LED won't light up. Either way, you don't need to jumper GND because the two ground inputs are connected together on the Duet.