Duet3/pi DCS is unavailable after wiring 24V
@fractalengineer Line 4 I sort of expected. That is why we may need to bossa the board one more time. Maybe.
Anyway, after we get everything in sync, future upgrades will take care of this and keep things in sync.
Not finding /opt/dsf/sd/sys/Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin is a little concerning. Can you please:
ls -al /opt/dsf ls -al /opt/dsf/sd ls -al /opt/dsf/sd/sys And post the results here?
@Danal Will do in the next hour
I didn't know you meant on the pi command; I can probably get there through SSH but I woudn't know what to do from there; would you mind clarifying what you meant?
Likewise, I did double, triple check the SPI was activated in the settings, even in @chrishamm 's image; it's on
From the things you posted before, it looks like you've been issuing commands on the Pi... in the same way you did those in the past, just copy paste the "ls" commands.
Ultimately it doesn't matter; board is updated to RC9 and installing the latest unstable DSF should work as hes tried time and time again.
(Not having the correct firmware would only be a problem if the latest available apt packages aren't compatible)
@bearer said in Duet3/pi flashing Diag LED after wiring 24V DCS is unavailable:
Ultimately it doesn't matter; board is updated to RC9 and installing the latest unstable DSF should work as hes tried time and time again.
(Not having the correct firmware would only be a problem if the latest available apt packages aren't compatible)
Agreed... but... what should he do next?
@Danal said in Duet3/pi flashing Diag LED after wiring 24V DCS is unavailable:
what should he do next?
try the other pi he'll be borrowing any time now (and hope if the orignal Pi was damaged with the original Duet, the borrowed Pi didn't suffer the same fate).
following that I guess either call an exorcist or attempt to try another SPI slave (maybe there is a bit banged SPI slave for a Pi out there?)
Ok guys I'm just absolutely confused; the RPi 4 that worked last time on the standard image SD card won't connect to Wifi with chris's image no matter if I redo the wpa supplicant file.
It is not a Pi4 hardware issue because it works just fine with my other SD card flashed with Octopi
I'm rebuilding an image from scratch following this guide again; don't know what else to do at this point.
Duetpi lite this time; as if it changed anything
I'll report back once I get the new image setup on the pi4 with wifi working and everything up do date
Thanks for the help
Send me a message if you'd want a second pair of eyes on it. If you can connect the Pi to wired Ethernet and provide remote access (e.g. ngrok) I can take a stab at it.
prime suspect is missing country code in the config or somehow strange whitespace in the config preventing it from being parsed.
this was one of the more detailed guides I could find to share https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/wpa_supplicant
@bearer thanks;
Well it's all fixed now with the new image...the wifi connection it is...Still unable to connect to DCS
On a separate pi...
On a new board...
Maybe we can try that pin by pin connection to double check the issue wasn't the ribbon?
I can go buy jumpers tomorrow; how many we need?
@fractalengineer said in Duet3/pi flashing Diag LED after wiring 24V DCS is unavailable:
how many we need?
Minimum 9, but didn't you get a new cable?
@bearer no I think I got a refurb; there was only the board and SD card in it
@Danal That error occurred because SPI wasn't enabled at that point, hence no /dev/spidev.0.0. It's always possible to define module options in /etc/modprobe.d, that doesn't require the driver(s) to be loaded.
It must be the connection from the Pi to the Duet 3 (ribbon cable?). The SPI link uses pins 19-24 (see https://pinout.xyz/pinout/pin22_gpio25#) so I'd once more check continuity between these pins on both sides. The error you see in the log without any extra comment (more verbose in v2.1.0) means that no signal could be transferred over pin 22 (BCM25). DSF expects this pin to be high when it starts.
@chrishamm said in Duet3/pi flashing Diag LED after wiring 24V DCS is unavailable:
It must be the connection from the Pi to the Duet 3
of curiosity what does DCS say if it gets a response, but the wrong due to say wrong firmware or spi clock?
It's also worth starting DCS with
-l debug
to see a few more details. If the SPI clock is too high, you usually see warnings about failed transfers and/or checksum errors. -
@chrishamm said in Duet3/pi flashing Diag LED after wiring 24V DCS is unavailable:
It's also worth starting DCS with
-l debug
to see a few more details. If the SPI clock is too high, you usually see warnings about failed transfers and/or checksum errors.-l debug
shows the difference, no difference without it.#with 22 low pi@raspberrypi:~ $ /opt/dsf/bin/DuetControlServer -l debug [debug] Lost connection to Duet System.OperationCanceledException: Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin ... [error] Duet is not available #with 22 high pi@raspberrypi:~ $ /opt/dsf/bin/DuetControlServer -l debug [debug] Lost connection to Duet System.OperationCanceledException: Board is not available (no header) ... [error] Duet is not available
Maybe change the first to Duet is not ready?
edit: sudo wasn't needed (at that point in starting up at least)
edit2: whops, wasn't testing the latest version, error changed to fatal, but same string. -
Yes I thought it already showed more details so I'm going to improve that in v2.1.1.
@chrishamm I just checked continuity once more; ever pin beeps from one board to the other.
Also checked for any short to ground; it’s all clear with the multimeter.
I’ll try wiring pin by pin using bridges; really can’t figure out what else to do
Unless the previous duet fried the pi4 too...
@fractalengineer said in Duet3/pi flashing Diag LED after wiring 24V DCS is unavailable:
really can’t figure out what else to do
if you've got a steady hand you could measure the voltage on pin 22 with the Duet running (before and after starting DCS) and then cross refrene with the output of running DSC with-l debug
to at least verify if the Pi is reading pin 22 correctly.see next post instead:
Hold off on that; not sure why loopback testing didn't occur to me a week ago ... but:
combine with wiringpi's
command and two jumpers to do full (or 80%? as SCK isn't tested) diagnostic on the rPi.place jumper over 22-24 and 19-21, then run commands as shown, compare to output below.
(Quick copy/paste to get the spidev-test tool and wiringpi):sudo apt install -y git wiringpi git clone https://github.com/rm-hull/spidev-test ~/spidev-test cd ~/spidev-test gcc spidev_test.c -o spidev_test
Commands to run:
RDY=22 CS=24 ; { gpio -1 mode $CS out gpio -1 mode $RDY in gpio -1 write $CS 1 && echo "(Pin RDY/$RDY) `gpio -1 read $RDY` should equal `gpio -1 read $CS` (Pin CS/$CS)" gpio -1 write $CS 0 && echo "(Pin RDY/$RDY) `gpio -1 read $RDY` should equal `gpio -1 read $CS` (Pin CS/$CS)" { ~/spidev-test/spidev_test -v -s 8000000 -D /dev/spidev0.0 && echo RX should equal TX. ;} | tail -n3 | cut -b-100 ;}
What output should look like:
(Pin RDY/22) 1 should equal 1 (Pin CS/24) (Pin RDY/22) 0 should equal 0 (Pin CS/24) TX | FF FF FF FF FF FF 40 00 00 00 00 95 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF F0 0D RX | FF FF FF FF FF FF 40 00 00 00 00 95 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF F0 0D RX should equal TX.
Repeat with wires jumpering the far side of the ribbon cable if test with jumpers on the rPi is passed.
(Print quality comments can be addressed to Tiertime pending full Duet conversion of the Up Mini 2) -
I don't know about the "W" part... but I'll take a look.
I can also spiff it up so that its output is very clear for an "end user", in the Duet environment.