Basic question about speed adjustment
When I tweak the speed setting on the panel due, it appears to change print and travel speeds. Does it also affect the firmware retract and unretract speeds? Does it have any effect on acceleration or jerk?
I believe that in 3.0+ versions of RRF, the behaviour has been changed to be more sensible: IE, it does not affect retraction speeds or the speeds of moves done outside of printing.
In RRF2.0, it adjusts all speeds at all times when the adjustment is in place, though I'm not sure if it affects firmware retraction. You should be able to hear the difference in sound a retraction makes if it does change it.
Here's the discussion on the subject for the recent changes:
And from the release notes of 3.01-RC2
The speed factor (M220) is no longer applied to extruder-only moves or to movement commands in system or user macro files
In RRF2 the speed factor is not applied to firmware retraction moves (G10/G11).