enclosure fan for heated chamber without a chamber heater
So my printer is enclosed and has an enclosure fan but not an enclosure heater because it already reaches 50 degrees easily.
Now I am wanting to use a fan to turn on once the camber reaches 45 degrees because that's the temperature i'm most comfortable with.
I'm using RRF3 on a duet2 wifi
@Gear Assuming you use a thermistor or some such to measure the chamber temperature, then create a sensor using M308 https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Gcode#Section_M308_Set_or_report_sensor_parameters.
Create the fan using M950 https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Gcode#Section_M950_Create_heater_fan_or_GPIO_servo_pin
Control it by using M106
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Gcode#Section_M106_Fan_On(use the H parameter in M106 to set the temperature to 45 for the sensor you created in M308).
Yes, I also have the problem.
Got this codeM950 F6 C"duex.fan6" Q250 M106 P6 T40:50 H3 C"FAN6_Chamber" in config.g
The fan also controls the temperature, but I can only specify the temperature in code and not in DWC
Is there a way to enter this in the panel or in the DWC? -
@Elko said in enclosure fan for heated chamber without a chamber heater:
Is there a way to enter this in the panel or in the DWC?
Not exactly. You could create a series of macros that set different values and call them as needed.
OK thanks
Too bad that there is no such possibility
then I will create macros with the different temperatures -
@Elko What is the reason why you need to frequently change the fan thermostat setting to different temperatures? If you could elaborate, one of us might be able to make some suggestions.
I don't have to change the chamber temperature frequently.
But with PLA I need a different chamber temperature than with ABS.
It would be nice to specify the temperature like a "hot end" temperature in the panel or DWC. -
@Elko In that case, I'd definitely use Macros that will set both the hot end temperature and the fan thermostatic value. Or add the fan thermostatic M106 command to the slicer start code. Or call the appropriate macro from the slicer start code. Then everything will happen automatically when you switch between PLA and ABS.
thanks @deckingman I'll give it a try once I have the fan actually wired into the bed, but this should probably work well.
You could also put different fan temperature in config.g for each filament, in filament section.
@Gear To expand on that, my slicer start code does nothing more than call a pre-print macro and the end code does nothing more than call a post-print macro. All the temperature settings are disabled in the slicer. The macro do it all. The reason for that is it gives me much better control over the order that things happen. So rather than setting the hot end and bed temperatures then waiting for them before anything else happens, I heat the bed to about 40 and wait. Once that threshold is reached, I start heating the bed to it's final value but while that is happening, I start heating the hot end and home all axes. The net result is that everything that needs to be done before a print starts, happens in the time it takes to heat the bed. I use different macros for each filament type. So if I print something in PLA,but then want to print it again in PET-G, I simply edit the gcode file to call a different macro. No need to re-slice.