DuetWifi + PanelDue –> white blank screen
Hey there,
I received my package several days ago containing the DuetWifi board, PanelDue touchscreen and wires + contacts and connectors.
I decided to connect my PanelDue to the DuetWifi board and power it up to see if everything is functionnal.
Worked for a while from a 12V powersource, then it suddenly rebooted and stuck on a bright white blank screen.
Could not get it to work again ever since. Any idea what I did wrong ? What should I do now ?
Have you tried reflashing the PanelDue firmware? Can you still see the Duet over Wifi?
Very sorry for the delay.
I tried to reflash the firmware but the board is not even detected by the software. Tried from another computer on both Windows and Linux, still no sign of life.
EDIT : nevermind, I actually managed to reflash the DuetWifi firmware, also I reflashed the PanelDue's itself with its own firmware via bossac utility.
Everything seems to be functional, will test tomorrow with stepper and heatbed wired.EDIT 2 : Everything is working as expected. My metamorph 3D printer project can now continue