M291 use question
Question pertains to M291 with parameter S1, given the example below.
M291 S1 T2 P“This printer will self-destruct in 2 seconds unless you press ‘Close’”
Q: When either the time runs out, or user presses ‘Close’ – can you detect which of the two possibilities happened, and how if so?
I suppose once variable use is enabled, a time stamp before and after the M291 can be compared to see if the popup exited before the set time.
Until then, if a better way to get user input exist, please let me know.
ref: https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/17566/single-macro-for-filament-handling/15 -
It's on the "to do" list
https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/15362/extension-of-m291-m292 -
That, and variables, will be very cool!Granted, my coding skills are barely existent but I can usually make something useful - just not the most elegant.