Scara support ?
Firmware 1.19beta9 is out, with added X and Y bed origin offsets and a fix for G92 X0 Y0.
I had not seen page 2 of the post
A big thank you for your responsiveness !
I test this afternoon at fablab -
Again a big thank you for your responsiveness
My tests:The M669 command used (X150.0 Y-61.0):
M669 K4 P200 D200 A-175:175 B-175:175 1:0:0 S200 X150.0 Y-61.0; set SCARA kinematics parametersok
Test moves First arm of 20 ° it's ok?
G1 S2 X10 ;anticlockwise
G1 S2 X-10 ;clockwiseok
Test moves second arm of 20 ° it's ok?
G1 S2 Y10 ;anticlockwise
G1 S2 Y-10 ;clockwiseAll movements in Pronterface in debug mode return:
[ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
File "printrun\printcore.pyc", line 241, in _readline
File "printrun\pronterface.pyc", line 1713, in recvcb
File "printrun\pronterface.pyc", line 1669, in update_pos
ValueError: could not convert string to float:Homing goes in the right direction x/y/z
I manually move the arms to position x0/y0
I power on with Pronterface I send command G92 X0 Y0I'm testing x/y placements everything works but upside down
When i do x + i get an x-
And when i do a y + i get a y-I reverse the engines in config.g and the displacements do anything?
I put the file config.g normal, and I reverse the connector of the engines,
Same results the movements do anythingIn short I did not succeed in reversing the meaning, how to do?
It's almost perfect we're not far -
In writing the firmware I assumed that the bed is to the right of the proximal joint, and the zero angle position of both arms is with them stretched out to the right so that they point towards the +X direction. Do you by any chance have your arm mounted the other way round?
My Kinematics
for laterEnd-stops (hall effect +on5v) are on X22.00 Y-35.00
Ok, so what i have assumed is +X is your +Y, and what I have assumed is +Y is your -X. Thinking about it, there are 4 possible orientations of the bed if we only consider the obvious ones, and I guess the firmware should allow any of them in a configuration option. Or maybe it should allow an arbitrary bed rotation angle.
For now, if you define the top left corner of the bed in your diagram as (0,0) and the axis directions as I have assumed them, then you should be able to print
Regarding homing, I was assuming there will be a limit switch at one end of the travel of each joint.
Of course I'm stupid, I did not think about it
I test this afternoon -
define the top left corner of the bed, change on M669 x/y
and print…
okVideo, sorry the machine is under development all is not clean ... still have to solve the same vibrations as with Smoothie …
My M669
M669 K4 P200 D200 A-175:175 B-175:175 1:0:0 S200 X118.0 Y-150;My reduction motor and pulley
Motor 400 step/revolution 0.9°
Pulley 80/16
Microstepping 256
Calcul Step/° X/Y (Réduct 80/16) ==> 400256(80/16)/360=1422,2222222222222222222222222222What can be the cause in your opinion not enough mechanical reduction, or other ?
Thank you very much ! -
I'm glad you are making progress.
Have you tried adjusting the segments/sec and minimum segment length in the M669 command, to see whether it affects the vibration?
I am also pleased !
Not tried, i test tomorrow. -
I've done a lot of testing, and the best configuration seems to be
M669 S200 T0.5
It's not perfect, but it's better
But on another piece the result is not satisfactorySaturday I tried on cubes and diamonds to try to understand,
Because the vibrations seem to be present only on the diagonals of the bed …
If you have an idea to improve ...I will redo the arm to pass in reduct of 160/16
And GT2 belts 10mm high to see if it improves -
I'm Happy
It is almost perfect there are still some vibrations but I think I can further refine the firmware settingsI completely redraw the arms of scara
Now reduction 160/16
pulley DIY gt2 lasercut and Wide belt 10mm high
New experimental firmware 1.19beta10 -
I can't help to think how a set of shock absorbers would help. You have so much mass hung out so far that you are trying to stop and start. Am I wrong in thinking that something that could help dampen the movement would help?
I'm glad you are making progress! You are the first person to use RRF or a Duet on a Scara printer.
I'll try to implement Scara homing before the 1.19 release. You will need a microswitch at one end of the movement range of each joint.
Thanks to you for your reactivity !
The endstop will be hall effect 3v logic / v+ on 5v (banggood model)
Is your SCARA printer home designed and built, or is the mechanics built from a kit? We're looking for some SCARA mechanics to use as a test bed for the SCARA support in RRF.
This is a model designed by me being created,
It will be open-source when finished
Download Sketchup 2016 model of the current model being developed:
humm … google translate ...
Evolutions in progress not final model, but functional... -
A big thank you for the support of Scara and end stops on version 1.19RC1
I test tomorrowMy end stops are not exactly on X0/Y0 M206 is supported ?
and move in X0/Y0 after homing ? -
Is it possible that you explain how to set up Homing on Scara -
I've just done that.