SD Card Unusable
Hi All,
I have been advised by my Duet reseller that I will need to make a forum post to verify that the SD card on my Duet 2 Wifi is faulty. It was purchased less than 6 months ago so it should be within warranty.
Steps already taken:
-I have tried running M122. A screenshot is attached.
-I have looked at the physical SD card socket. It appears to have the solder joint issue that can cause the SD card to fail.
Unfortunately I do not have a macro capable camera so photo evidence of this is not fantastic.
-I tried plugging a ribbon cable into my paneldue and using the secondary SD card slot on there, and while it does work (in that it appears on the paneldue as SD Card 1), I can't seem to select it for use in firmware updating or use it to store the web interface.
-I have tried reformatting the SD card. The card works in my desktop and secondary pc without problems.
-I have run M122 several times. One of these did detect the card, but at a speed of only 12 MB/s. It also would not run the M122 P104 S10 data transfer test. Evidence is attached.As far as I can tell from the rest of the M122 command, the rest of the board is fine. I got as far as activating the wifi module and authorising it on my wifi network, but without access to the files used to host the web interface I can get no further.
Please advise any further troubleshooting steps, or how to update firmware via the paneldue SD card slot, or if I'm in the wrong section of the forum. Thanks!
The PanelDue SD card slot cannot host the web interface as far as I know, only gcode files.
Have you tested with a different SD card, just to eliminate that. Even if it appears to work in the PC that's not a guarantee that nothing is wrong with the card itself.
If you don't have another SD card to test with, can you try running this diagnostic tool on the SD card to see how it fares?
When and where was your Duet purchased?
@Phaedrux I have tried a second SD card, still no luck. Same error.
Duet was purchased in a group order from Filastruder on 20 July. I've had to wait for a chance for local lockdown conditions to permit me to pick up the board. I'm from Australia.
Both SD cards have passed the test without errors. Evidence attached.
Thanks for testing. Warranty exchange approved. Please contact Filastruder and include a link to this thread as authorization.