New experimental firmware 1.19beta8
; Put G/M Codes in here to run when Tool 0 is freed
M83 ; relative extruder movement
G91 ; relative axis movement
G1 E-3 Z3 F3600 ; retract 2mm and lift head
G90 ; absolute axis movement
G1 S2 X-27 F42000 ; park the X carriage at -27mm
G1 E3 F3600 ; unretract 3mm
M82 ; absolute extruder movement -
M116 P0 ; wait for tool 0 heaters to reach operating temperature
M83 ; relative extruder movement
G1 E2 F3600 ; extrude 2mm
M82 ; absolute extruder movement
G91 ; relative axis movement
G1 Z-3 F500 ; up 3mm
G90 ; absolute axis movement
;G1 R1 F42000 ; Goto where we left off -
Ok, so if the head is moving to the position of the old tool, which position is that? The position before it ran tfree0.g, or something else?
It moves to the park position of the old head.
PS: Can you change the 60 sec between posts? - Seeing this for the third time today….. Also the 30 sec between searches is annoying - if you did not find what you were looking for, you can't re-search for 30 secs.
I can guess what might be happening. For now I suggest you try starting the tpost file with a G1 S2 command to move the new year to its park position. There should be no actual movement because it should already be parked, but that command should update the desired X coordinate.
In the latest beta you should be able to use G1 R2 at the end of tpost to move the head to the position of the old tool before the tool change.
Clicking upload print disconnects me randomly on this build. and it takes a few to reconnect.
@dc42 . on the latest build G30 S-1 does not flash a value anymore. Is this a change that i missed?
G30 S-1 should still report the trigger height to the device that you sent the command from.
If everything is slow and laggy then first establish whether the PC or the Duet is to blame. Reboot both, connect to the Duet from the PC with nothing else running on the PC and see whether it is still slow and laggy. If yes then you have hit an issue that nobody else has reported afair and I suggest you revert to 1.18.2. If it remains slow and laggy then suspect an IP address conflict.
You can configure the number of reconnect retries in DWC.
HTH David -
I've been meaning to say thanks for the thermostatic fan hysteresis which works like a charm.