Intermittent hot bed connection on Duet board
I have been using my Duet Wifi 2 on a Tevo Little Monster for some months however it seems to have developed an intermittent connection on the green hot bed terminal on the board. It started not heating the bed up and after various checks I found that if I touch the top of the terminal connector the bed starts to heat. Is this terminal soldered to the board, or is it a removable type? I'm not game to pull on the terminal at this stage until I receive some feedback. I have a video showing the LED on the SSR that heats the bed lighting up when the terminal is touched however I'm not sure if videos can be uploaded. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
post a close up picture of the underside
Yes a photo would be good to see. You'll need to take the board out and inspect it. I wouldn't use it until you've resolved this.
Classical case of bad connection. could be the solder joint on the board or the terminal screw not being tight.
I agree, bad solder joint. Is the Duet still under warranty? Where are you located?
@dc42 Yes, it's still under warranty. I purchased it from E3D in February. I am in Australia. I can send you a copy of my invoice.
@cc3dprint Please contact E3D and initiate a warranty exchange. Direct them to this thread as authorization.