Help PID tuning Dyzend Pro
config.g or config-override.g -
Your tuned values are stored in config-override.g You can edit them there, but if you ever re-tune they will get over wrote, so you should probably cut and paste the M307 H1 command from config-override.g into config.g. so you can edit it there.
Also, have you seen this from Dyze? -
PID Troubleshooting
The first thing we would recommend with the PID Tuning if you have any issues is to increase the functional range. Because our heater cartridge is really fast, the PID functional range might be too slow and cause some overshoot issues.#define PID_FUNCTIONAL_RANGE 40 /For example, set to 40 instead of 10/
#Solution 1 – Reduce the Bang Max value
This solution is recommended if you don’t plan on printing at high temp or you’re comfortable with flashing your firmware each time you want to do higher temperature printing.For example, on Marlin Firmware, reduce the BANG_MAX value to 200 or even lower.
#define BANG_MAX 255
#Solution 2 – Change the PID default safety range
By default, some firmware defines a low maximum temperature overshoot when doing the PID autotune, which might create some issues with our high-performance heaters. You can change this default behavior with a greater value like 40.For example, on Marlin, in the PID section of configuration.h add:
This is for Marlin ?
@Phaedrux'ai essayer plusieurs paramètre sans succès
Can you try with these settings in config.g and delete the config-override.g and retry tuning.
M308 S1 P"e0temp" Y"thermistor" T4606017 B5848 C5.548428e-8 ; configure sensor 1 as thermistor on pin e0temp M950 H1 C"e0heat" T1 ; create nozzle heater output on e0heat and map it to sensor 1 M307 H1 A580.4 C256.6 D6.4 S0.50 M143 H1 S510 -
C’était mes paramètres de départ impossible avec cela de faire un auto tuning sans préchauffer -
I'm not sure what else to say. This is a very difficult thermistor/heater combo to auto tube. 50W and 500c. I think your best chance will be to preheat as little as possible so that you can get an auto tune complete and then manually adjust the PID values to try and get it stable at temp.
How does it perform with the values provided by Dyze without auto tuning?
la température regler a 220 pour impression elle monte a 231 et descend a 215 puis se mets en fault
You can try using
M570 H1 P60 T25 S120
to change the sensitivity of heater fault detection to allow time for it to stabilize.
Ok i try
Si nécessaire, vous pouvez effectuer des ajustements manuels des paramètres du modèle M307, comme suit:
Si pendant le chauffage initial, la température dépasse la cible, réduisez le paramètre A. S'il dépasse la cible, augmentez le paramètre A. Essayez de l'augmenter / le réduire de 5% ou 10%.
cela doit etre fait dans config-override.g
@chris974M It must be done to the M307 command that is being sent last. So if you have an M307 H1 in config-override.g then you should change that one, but as I said before, cut and paste it into config.g and remove it from config-override.
c'est difficile a comprendre et régler
Error: Heater 1 fault: temperature excursion exceeded 15.0°C (target 220.0°C, actual 236.8°C)
Did you add the M570 command I posted?
non desoler j'ai oublier je recommence
maintenant j'ai juste 4C d'écart regler 220 et monte jusqua 224 puis redescend a 220
Ok, so you may be able to adjust the PID values now to get it a bit more stable. Try increasing the D value a bit.
j'essaye de trouver la bonne valeur D