Question about auto-leveling with endstops rather then probe
From the docs:
In RepRapFirmware 3, you do not need to split the axes to level them, as you do in RRF2. The firmware understands if you define the axis endstops correctly. For example, if you have a dual motor Z axis, with endstops at the axis minimum, define the Z endstop in config.g as follows:
M574 Z1 S1 P"zstop+e1stop" ; configure active-high endstops for low end on Z via pins zstop and e1stop
Make sure that the two endstops are defined in the same order in the M574 command as the corresponding Z motors in your M584 command. For the example above, M584 Z2:4 would be correct, assuming one Z motor is plugged into driver 2 (Z driver on Duet 2) and its endstop is plugged into zstop, while the second Z motor is plugged into driver 4 (E1 driver on Duet 2) and its endstop is plugged into the E1 endstop pins.
Now in the example the stepper on the Z connector uses the Z endstop input and the stepper on the E1 connector uses the E1 endstop input.
Is that pairing of stepper connector to endstop input totally controlled by the M574 parameters?
Or to ask another way MUST the Z connector use the Z endstop input and the E1 connector use the E1 endstop input?
I would test it myself but currently I have no free Duet WiFi boards, they are all busy printing.
Thanks in advance for the clarification.
No restriction. You could use driver 0 and 1 and the e0 and e1 stops.
M584 Z0:1 M574 Z1 S1 P"e0stop+e1stop" They just have to be in the same order
@jay_s_uk said in Question about auto-leveling with endstops rather then probe:
They just have to be in the same order
Put another way, the first listed endstop needs to be physically paired with the first listed driver.