Duet 2 WIFI "Over Temperature Shutdown..."
@obligor said in Duet 2 WIFI "Over Temperature Shutdown...":
M350 X1 Y1 Z1 E4 I0 ; configure microstepping without interpolation
M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z4000.00 E420.00 ; set steps per mmThis is a very unusual microstepping configuration and doesn't seem to match your steps per mm settings at all.
Why not use x16 with interpolation for all motors?
What are your motors actually?
It was just a test setting for trying to understand the parameters.
Do you think it was the reason for the issue and it will be okay if I change it to proper value?
I really appreciate your support! -
@Phaedrux said in Duet 2 WIFI "Over Temperature Shutdown...":
Driver0 is your X axis? If you disconnect the motor (while the board is powered off) and leave it disconnected does it still produce the same error message?
Does the driver chip itself get hot?
Does there appear to be any damage to the driver chip? Can you post a photo? -
Sorry for taking a long time. There was a another urgent project.
I checked what you were asking.
Driver0 is X-axis.
I have the same error message when I connected the motor or not connected.
The middle chip among 5 chips is very hot, but the others are just warm.
I can see the burn mark on the chip which is hot. Please see the picture that I attached. I put an arrow sign on the burn area.I look forward to your advice.
Thank you. -
Next question is likely when and where the board was purchased and if you've tested the old motor and wiring for short circuits.
Driver is damaged and driver or board will need to be replaced to use it; alternatively if E1 driver is unused you could remap X to use E1 driver (after making sure the wiring and motor is not faulty)
I purchased it from Filastruder.
I connected wires and motors as soon as I received the board and then I got the error signs when I changed Amp to 1.5A. I'm sure it is in the safe range as the board instruction but the chip looks burned.
I used this motor.
The motor is still working fine with the other printer. -
When was it purchased?
I purchased it on October 21, 2020, from Filastruder.
I run the board on October 23, 2020, and the issue happened that day.
So, I posted the first posting on this thread the same day. -
@obligor Please contact Filastruder and initiate a warranty exchange. Include a link to this thread as authorization. It would appear you've had a premature failure on that driver chip.
Thank you. I will contact Filastruder.