ToolBoard: 2 wires fan, heater fault and how to extrude ?
just for testing execute
M307 H2 A597.2 C231.1 D12.5 S1.00 B0
and try heating again
raise this:
02/12/2020 à 19:50:36 M307 H1 A597.2 C231.1 D12.5 S1.00 B0
Warning: M307: Heater 1 appears to be over-powered. If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 622C -
the question would be. who is @dc42 can you heat afterwards? i thought you are trying heater 2
@Veti ah okay.
I tried, heater keep running a little bit longer but the same issues appear. -
@dc42 Hello, I have a fault with my heater (on Tool 1LC), with no error message. After a fews seconds when I start to heat, the heater pass in fault statement and in beta4 the tool board reset one second after the fault statement.
Can you help me ? -
What does your heater graph look like when you get the fault?
What shows up in the gcode console? -
The graph start just ascend (like 10/20°c) and then the heater change to fault state and the graph start slowly getting down.
And I have nothing on the console, no error just the heater with "fault" under it. -
@Phaedrux and with the beta4 the toolboard reboot when I get the error (so the temp is 2000°c for the graph)
@Pseud3mys said in ToolBoard: 2 wires fan, heater fault and how to extrude ?:
R25 (kΩ): 500 ± 3%
β25/85 (K): 3800 ± 2%I find this for the thermistor.
M308 S1 P"121.temp0" Y"thermistor" T500000 B3800
so I put this, the temp is 12°c when it must be ~19 I think. I have always the fault, do you now what I nead to change ?
At low temperatures, high resistance thermistors like that one have poor resolution and accuracy. So your settings may well be correct. You may be able to reduce the displayed error by adjusting the H parameter in the M308 command for that sensor.
@Pseud3mys said in ToolBoard: 2 wires fan, heater fault and how to extrude ?:
@dc42 Hello, I have a fault with my heater (on Tool 1LC), with no error message. After a fews seconds when I start to heat, the heater pass in fault statement and in beta4 the tool board reset one second after the fault statement.
Can you help me ?Are you sure that you are running beta4 on the tool board? Use M115 B# (where # is the CAN address of the tool board to check). If you are, then after the tool board resets, please run M122 B# (where # is the CAN address again) and post the results here.
@dc42 said in ToolBoard: 2 wires fan, heater fault and how to extrude ?:
@Pseud3mys said in ToolBoard: 2 wires fan, heater fault and how to extrude ?:
@dc42 Hello, I have a fault with my heater (on Tool 1LC), with no error message. After a fews seconds when I start to heat, the heater pass in fault statement and in beta4 the tool board reset one second after the fault statement.
Can you help me ?Are you sure that you are running beta4 on the tool board? Use M115 B# (where # is the CAN address of the tool board to check). If you are, then after the tool board resets, please run M122 B# (where # is the CAN address again) and post the results here.EDIT: no need, i see that you have posted the M122 report already. I will look into it.
@dc42 said in ToolBoard: 2 wires fan, heater fault and how to extrude ?:
@Pseud3mys said in ToolBoard: 2 wires fan, heater fault and how to extrude ?:
R25 (kΩ): 500 ± 3%
β25/85 (K): 3800 ± 2%I find this for the thermistor.
M308 S1 P"121.temp0" Y"thermistor" T500000 B3800
so I put this, the temp is 12°c when it must be ~19 I think. I have always the fault, do you now what I nead to change ?
At low temperatures, high resistance thermistors like that one have poor resolution and accuracy. So your settings may well be correct. You may be able to reduce the displayed error by adjusting the H parameter in the M308 command for that sensor.
Yes I read this on an other post in this forum, so I change this config with the default one in RRF configurator tool for my thermistor. Where there is a "C" param.
This is my new config for the thermistor:M308 S1 P"temp2" Y"thermistor" T500000 B4723 C1.196220e-7
the doc say:
Lnnn ADC low offset correction, default 0 (ignored if the hardware supports automatic ADC gain and offset calibration)
Hnnn ADC high offset correction, default 0 (ignored if the hardware supports automatic ADC gain and offset calibration)but I don't understand, do you have an example of use ?
(the Heater 2 is not connected, it is just the heater 1)M308 S1 P"121.temp0" Y"thermistor" T500000 B3600 C1.196220e-7 H-7 ; configure sensor 1 as thermistor on pin 121.temp0 M308 S2 P"122.temp0" Y"thermistor" T500000 B3600 C1.196220e-7 H-10 ; configure sensor 2 as thermistor on pin 122.temp0 I modify the config, now at 20°C it return 20°C but je same fault accure after ~30°C..
Using RRF 3.2beta4 you can set the H and L parameters automatically even on tool boards. See
The fault with heater 2 is expected. There is no heater connected, so when the heater output is turned on, the firmware doesn't see a rising temperature, so it flags a heating fault. This is to avoid a dangerous situation, for example if the heater is working but the thermistor has fallen out of the heater block.
The reason that heater 1 is reporting a fault is probably that your M307 parameters are inappropriate for your hot end. In particular, the A597 parameter is probably too high. What type of hot end is it, and what is the power of the heater cartridge?
@Pseud3mys, I have investigated your M122 report and discovered that the heat task stack can overflow when a tool board reports a heater fault. I have fixed this in release 3.2beta4.1 of the tool board firmware, and put an updated Duet3Firmware-TOOL1LC.bin file in the release at Please update your tool boards to this version. M115 B# (where # is the CAN address of the tool board) will report version 3.2beta4 if the old firmware is running, and 3.2beta4.1 if the new firmware is running.
@dc42 hi, With beta 4.1 boards don't reset, and with the semi auto config for H and L thermistor, 1 of the 2 return the correct temperature, and the heating work with this one. But, the second is still wrong (by 15°C, at ~17°C), what is the problem ? The two have exactly the same config except for H and L setting.
I check the 2 resistances values, both are at 4.34 Kohm (~11°C). but one thermistor return ~10°C degrees more than the real temperature (~21°C)..
And it is enough to raise a fault with the heater, so it is disturbing.M308 S1 P"121.temp0" Y"thermistor" T500000 B3600 C1.196220e-7 H-12 L0 M308 S2 P"122.temp0" Y"thermistor" T500000 B3600 C1.196220e-7 H-10 L-12 All the value are equal exept for H and L but they don't change anything significantly (I tried to put the same value).
So why one of the thermistor return a wrong value ?