Problem with Heater 1 e0heat on Maestro
Can you show what the heater graph looks like?
@Phaedrux The first picture, I preheated and moved the gantry around. It seemed ok. Then I turned off the heaters and started a print. The second peak in that graph is the print starting then you can see the temperature start to drop and I get the error. I reset and tried to print again in the second printer and I get "Error: Heating fault on heater 1, temperature rising much more slowly than the expected 1.4°C/sec". Reset and try again and I get the same.
The light on the second heater is dead now.
Seems like a problem with the thermistor or its wiring. I don't think the heater ports are dead, they are just faulting because the thermistor is not reporting the temp rise it expects, so it's tripping thermal protection. That explains why it's followed from the first heater to the second.
@Phaedrux I will pull it and toss another one in. What do you think is causing the heater Leds from coming on? Heater 2 was working this morning but as of right now, nothing.
Well if it's faulted it's not going to turn on.
@Phaedrux nope, I'm just an idiot. After the first fault, I reset the board at it looks like my config reverted to using e0 instead of e1... e1 still lights up, but light for e0 is still dead. It still lights up even when it faults. I will yank the thermistor and see if that gets me going.
If you measure the gate signal to be 5v and the LED doesn't turn on and the heater doesn't work then the mosfet is most likely toast - they just usually fail always on. The LED is in parallell with the heater so if neither turn on then the mosfet isn't sinking current to ground like it should.
I'd see if there was anything wrong with the insulation on the hotend to cause the failure before switching to using E1.
Got it. I will pull it all apart again before I continue to test.
Ok guys, a conclusion. I found I was chasing 2 issues. Issue 1, yes the mosfet is bad. I removed it and tested it. It gave me no love. Like someone said b4, these usually fail hot no open. Kinda strange but oh well. Issue 2, the back up heater cart I used was also bad. A while back I had one stop working and instead of throwing it away I kept it to figure out why it wasn't working.
Thanks for the help. Truly appreciate it!