PanelDue Reset mCode?
With the latest 3.2 beta, the PanelDue can now upgrade the firmware via the Duet (M997 S4). The instructions include the following:
- Automatic erase and reset is only supported from PanelDueFirmware 3.2.2 (earlier versions require manual erase and reset)
My question is if the reset is done via an mCode? If not, is there any way to script a reset via conditional gCode?
It's done automatically as part of the upgrade process. This has been improved as part of RC1. There's no set mcode to reset the paneldue
@jay_s_uk I figured.. but I have a use case where I need to reset the PanelDue after removing 24v power (M81).
maybe add it here, just in case people go searching etc
M118 P2 S"{""controlCommand"":""reset""}"
This appears to be working! Thanks!
There is an equivalent for "Erase and rewind", to paraphrase The Cardigans. I'm not 100% it was the intention for RRF to be able to send it from g-code. It certainly has potential for abuse and malicious intent, but hopefully they won't change the reset one if they feel the need to prevent erasing.
edit: autocarrot
@bearer agree, but this finally corrects our 24v power toggle script. When powered down, the PanelDue needs to be refreshed/reset as the tools no longer exist.. and vice versa when powering up the 24v rail.
It's even easier with
M999 A1