Probe output wiring (NPN Inductive)
Hello guys i got a realy quick Question "i hope".
I got my Probe NPN running with 24V and use a Relai to switch the 3.3V from the Board to the Pin that need that 3.3V as Signal.
Now i got the Wiring Diagramm for the Duet Wifi open and don't know the Pin for the Signal.Is it: Z_PROBE_MOD or Z_PROBE_IN?
I tryed already Z_PROBE_IN but i don't wanna destroy the Board so i hope you can help me to prevent me from that.
By the way this is the Code i entered (Mode 5):
M558 P5 X0 Y0 Z1 F500 T5000 H3 -
You could connect the relay contacts between Z_PROBE_IN and ground and use probe type 5, but it's probably better to connect them to the 2 outer pins of the E0 endstop connector and use probe type 4. You will need to include parameter I1 in your M558 command to invert the signal polarity.
Ok, but why is the E0 better than the Probe Pins?
I mean there are made for this right?(Just to undestand it)
E0 has a lower value pullup resistor.