Question for Nodejs guys
I'm quite new to Nodejs (Python guy). What's the best practice for a dev environment for DWC?
Especially I currentlx have the question:
When doing a npm run serve it takes a long time. Can this be speeded up?
Is is possible to compile DWC on my locla machine and connect to my remote Duet board?
@MartinNYHC you should only need to use ‘npm run serve’ once. As you make changes it will rebuild changes and serve them. The DWC does allow you to connect to a remote machine but with RRF 3.2 and up you will need to allow CORS by using M586 C”*”
That's what I was looking for. Very useful. Thx mate!
@Sindarius Does that mean I can have my Duet3 MB6HC connected to a remote machine ?or It is possible with boards with wifi facility only????
@User3D I am not completely sure I understand the question. When working on code changes for the DWC you can run a local instance on your development machine and the DWC prompts you for an ip address to a Duet to connect to. This allows you to do development for plugins, bug fixes without having to constantly upload the webpage after every change to the Duet.
@Sindarius Yes, bur that didn't work. I was not able to connect to my Duet 3 remotely.
@MartinNYHC did your browser report any errors when you tried?