Creality CR-10 upgrade
Is it possible to set fan speed on thermostatically controlled fan? I have got powerfull delta fan for hotend incase i need to have it in the box printing high temp pei or peek. Its enough to run it at 40% so can i add parameter S150 to my M106 in config.g for tool fan?
@agniusm said in Creality CR-10 upgrade:
Is it possible to set fan speed on thermostatically controlled fan? I have got powerfull delta fan for hotend incase i need to have it in the box printing high temp pei or peek. Its enough to run it at 40% so can i add parameter S150 to my M106 in config.g for tool fan?
Yes you can use the M106 S parameter to do that, with a minimum PWM of 0.5.
Tkank you, works great
Is there a gcode to repeat a print? i will be experimenting with conveyor type print remooval and was wandering if there is a gcode to support reprints or is there slicer support for this?
@agniusm The DWC has a Print Another button, but I'm not sure if that triggers a gcode or just passes a new file print command using the already loaded gcode filename.
I guess you could create a larger macro that just had repeated M32 commands.
@agniusm said in Creality CR-10 upgrade:
Is there a gcode to repeat a print? i will be experimenting with conveyor type print remooval and was wandering if there is a gcode to support reprints or is there slicer support for this?
I have support for conditional and looping GCode planned, which would facilitate repeated prints..
I guess it should be easy to do workaround with end gcode to call macro which would be the print file itself for infinite looping but would be nice to have an option to set how many parts.
@phaedrux M32 sounds good for the time being. With editors such as note++ ot should be easy to make changes
Can someone post content of files needed for "power out" functionality?
Mainly interested in resurrect-prologue.g file.
Does M116 gets temperatures used on that print?
If my M911 command lifts Z by 3mm, should that be undone in resurrect-prologue.g file?
Would it be better to have Z max end stop as well and re-home Z as well and it will most likely do better job not messing up the print? (as gantry may sag)
What else would be good to have in that file? -
In config.g:
; POWER LOSS RECOVERY ; M911 S21 R23 P"M913 X0 Y0 G91 M83 G1 Z3 E-1 F500" ; Configure automatic saving on power loss The resurrect.g file gets created automatically by the Duet during a print and contains the temps and position. This is the file you "print" to resume after a powerloss.
; resurrect-prologue.g ; Called by resurrect.g after a resume from powerloss. G28 XY ; Home X and Y M98 P"HomeZMax.g" ; Call Home Z Max macro M116 ; Wait for temps M83 ; Relative Extrusion G1 E2 F1000 ; Undo retraction and prime nozzle ; Returns to resurrect.g to resume print You'll have to test the behaviour of your printer during a power loss to see how the Z axis (gantry or bed) reacts. If it drops, you'll need to home the Z somehow, either manually with G92 Z at a known location, or with Z max.
Thanks. Great, i will try this and see if i need to add a z max endstop.
OK, so the resume works. I don't know why it does not lift the nozzle? I have left retraction to minimum as per your code and i have increased voltage detection to S23V (tried with S21V too), R23.5V. My power supply is at 24.5V dropping to 24.3V occasionally.
Are the fans disables automatically?
What else can i do?
If it would lift a nozzle, i would be golde. 3 out of 4 times there is no visible mark where it resumed except that plastic blob caused by nozzle not lifting up -
@agniusm there may not be enough juice left to raise the head.
I'm not sure off hand if the fans turn off automatically but you could disable them manually by adding an M106 in the M911 command.
I could also put larger output caps on psu as well but that is a bit too much of hacking.
I will try to disable the fans and turn off the retraction. I can deal with that when resuming manually
Typically the PSU has 3 sets of output terminals, and you use only 1 or 2 of them to connect it to the Duet. You can easily connect a large capacitor between a spare set of output terminals.
@dc42 That'd work. Should should i just go for 60VDC and largest capacity i could salvage? Electrolytic?
I suggest a few thousand uF rated at 35V.
Off topic question.
I got this effect on my other printer and i would call it rippling. Its not ghosting as its throughout Y axis.
I have tried changing toothed pulley to smooth, gates belt to unbranded one, belt tension, checked rigidity of the frame. I don't know why it runs on Y only as X has the same motion components. It runs on MGW9C knockoffs.
I now have swapped a motor, this had an effect although far less, rippling is still there.
Would microstepping have an effect on this? -
@agniusm said in Creality CR-10 upgrade:
Off topic question.
I got this effect on my other printer and i would call it rippling. Its not ghosting as its throughout Y axis.
I have tried changing toothed pulley to smooth, gates belt to unbranded one, belt tension, checked rigidity of the frame. I don't know why it runs on Y only as X has the same motion components. It runs on MGW9C knockoffs.
I now have swapped a motor, this had an effect although far less, rippling is still there.
Would microstepping have an effect on this?Some types of driver can't do low current microstepping very well, which is one possible cause of this effect. DRV8825 drivers are especially prone to it.
I have a electronics pile for salvaging parts and found b&o amp pcb with 6 1000uF 35V caps paralleled. I just cut out the piece and it worked. Today i have received my ordered caps which are 20000uF 35V but i will have to fit them somewhere else. Next thing is the gantry. It drops so i will install anti-backlash nuts. It does help if the gantry is not too heavy. Dont fancy z max enstop and aditional wires.