Creality CR-10 upgrade
Hello everyone. So I bought creality cr-10 which I needed to run some long production prints and coming from prusa i3 mk2 I was not that happy to say the least.
I got this duet WiFi with 5" touch screen, ir probe and e3d aero direct extruder.
I have dual Z so my question is if those steppers on cr-10 will work fine with this board? Any major pointers for first time builder?
Thank you -
Shouldn't have any issues with the steppers. I am sure they are just regular 1.8° Nema 17. Best advise is to start reading the Wiki for your particular type of printer.
Hi. Are optical sensors supported as filament runout sensord and perhaps somepne can point me towhere i could find description of hoocking them up?
I read about analog switches but they are analog vs this one being digital -
You can use optical filament sensors as long as they are capable of sinking approx. 1.5mA of current.
The old way of configuring filament sensors was to set them up as triggers and use the M581 command to set them up, and you can still do that if you wish. The new way in firmware 1.19 is to configure them using the M591 command. See
A printer does not know what it is.
It doesnt know its a CR10, i3 clone, Anet A8 or whatever
A 3d printer is a collection of electronic components : motors, heaters, switches, thermistors etc etc
YOU provide the control board with its operating parameters and it does as you tell it, then the printer does as its instructed, end of story.
Are you for real? No need to be smart ass about anything. I asked if the hardware, specifically motors were compatible with duet wifi. I am well aware of inners of workings of cnc.
The information on the productis somewhat scatered and incomplete and perhaps it is totaly sufficient for oldtimers, not so much for first builders.
The way i got answer of filament sensor might be sufficient for some but i dont know G code that well. i can read it and understand what it means but something more complex to write is another story. I dont have time to reinvent the wheel, i am positive that there are builds using specified hardware so why waist time on writing a code to pause the print, lift the nozzle, move the bed, beep for filament change etc? I thoght the comunity around this product is here to ask and answer, invent, make suggestions.
I am somewhat familiar with marlin, can make changes in firmware, upload, execute but this system is different henze the questions.So, if you cant help, skip trying to make me look stupid cause you know nothing about me and avoid posting irrelevant crap
You can use optical filament sensors as long as they are capable of sinking approx. 1.5mA of current.
The old way of configuring filament sensors was to set them up as triggers and use the M581 command to set them up, and you can still do that if you wish. The new way in firmware 1.19 is to configure them using the M591 command. See
Hard to know if it can sink 1.5mA whatever that means. its a cheap geeetech sensor of ebay that a lot of people use on other hardware.
Those commands do no good to me, i was asking (or hoping to find) about a script that runs filament change procedure so i could alter it to my specification rather than wright my own cause thats a bit trickier and time consuming which i dont have that much. -
Please provide a link to the optical sensor you mean, there are so many options out there for switch like sensors.
More detail is here: for example using M581, from the gcode link that David provided:
Any trigger number # greater then 1 causes the macro file sys/trigger#.g to be executed.
So if you create a gcode file such as [c]sys/trigger2.g[/c], with the following command:
;trigger 2 - filament trigger M25 ;pause the print (causes pause.g to be run) M117 Filament Out That would cause your pause.g file to be run so that the position of the print is saved, the commands is pause.g are executed (for example to move the head out of the way. For more detail have a look here: -
Thank you. This sort of info is very valuable. The sensors I got are these: -
Thank you. This sort of info is very valuable. The sensors I got are these: a look here:
Note: opto endstops made to the Generation 7 design are often claimed to be 3.3V-compatible, but in fact the design is marginal with a 5V supply and frequently doesn't work at all on 3.3V. To use this design with a 3.3V supply, replace the 180 ohm resistor by 100 ohms, and either replace the 1K resistor by 10K or remove it completely.
If you wire up and endstop and plug it into a endstop connector you can see if it works by using looking on the machine properties tab on the web interface to see if the endstop is triggered when you block the optical path.
If not then you either need to get a 3.3V compatible endstop or make the modifications described on the wiki page
Thanks. Seems easy doable. Thats enough for me to get going.
So, if you cant help, skip trying to make me look stupid cause you know nothing about me and avoid posting irrelevant crap
You are doing a grand enough job of making yourself look stupid without my help…....
Did you ever logically think to take the time to look at the wiki where all the specs on what works with the duet board resides ?
All the information is there if you take the time to look for it, instead of clogging up the forum with questions that have been asked over and over.
The logical path would be hmmm I like the looks of the Duet I wonder if the gear I have will work with it?
So how do I find that out.....
Ah duet website, lets google that...
Ohhh now they have a wiki, lets see if they list what I have will work, or do i need new equipment
well bugger me they have a list of the the components that will work with a duet
I can go there and compare what i have against what they list…
I put the efforts in reading wiki but sometimes i miss stuff or interpret wrong, i am not natively english speaking and there is no point to be hostile.
You are having issues bro, not me -
Got the duet, was happy to find some connector which i already got
Getting the firmware upgraded and i get this:
M997 S0:1
Invalid module number '1'
I did extract files to /www (deleted the folder and created new www then extracted files)
Placed two files to /sys directory and renamed them to DuetWiFiFirmware.bin and DuetWiFiServer.bin
Prontorface connected and returns info with M587
Any hints? -
Is is a Duet WiFi that you have, or a different Duet e.g. Duet Ethernet?
It has 1.18.2 i think
I also have disabled network in config.g with M552 S1 with semicolon
BTW tried both YAT and pronterface with same outcome -
Did you send M997 S0:1 from DWC or from Pronterface?
From Pronterface, you can send M997 S1 and M997 S0 separately.
Sending M997 S1 returns:
>>>M997 S1
Invalid module number '1'
Sending M997 S0 returns:
>>>M997 S0
Error: Firmware binary "DuetEthernetFirmware.bin" not found
[ERROR] Error: Firmware binary "DuetEthernetFirmware.bin" not foundMaybe i am skipping some crucial steps? Working on win10 64bit.
I have not installed any drivers for the duetWifi -
Somehow you have installed DuetEthernetFirmware on your Duet WiFi. Is it definitely the Duet WiFi that you have - the board that has the WiFi module soldered on near on corner, with the antenna part overhanging the edge of the board? Or is it a Duet Ethernet, with a daughter board that carries the Ethernet socket?
Its deff wifi, i had it connected to my network
I have not installed it yet, i just got the board today and read that it is advisable to upgrade to the newest firmware so i tried
Got the files from here:
and i did dowload this file: DuetWiFiServer-1.19.bin -
How about if I rename duet WiFi to duet Ethernet and flash it then flash wifi module?
If you run M115 i think you will find that it reports itself as a Duet Ethernet, because somehow it is running DuetEthernetFirmware.
What you need to do now is download DuetWiFiFirmware-1.19.bin to /sys on the SD card. But then rename it to DuetEthernetFirmware.bin. Then you will be able to run M997 S0 to install it. When it has finished installing and rebooted after about a minute, you should be able to run M997 S1 to install the new WiFi firmware.
Edit: your post crossed with mine.