delta auto calibration rams into roof of printer
Did you homeall first? Does it behave normally?
I'm thinking the upward movement you're seeing is the dive height of 30mm and the high probing and travel speed set.
; Z-Probe M558 P5 R0.4 C"" H30 F1200 T6000 I1 ; set Z probe type to effector and the dive height + speeds M558 H30 ;*** Remove this line after delta calibration has been done and new delta parameters have been saved -
@Phaedrux yes i did, it was homed and in the position 5mm below the endstops and due to a few problems with confusing M665 values, i know it is reliable.
as for probing and travel speed, they are the ones i was given by the RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool.
For the H30 there, it looks weird given the second H30 below it, i may have accidently changed it. I will check if changing it to something lower helps when i have direct access to the printer if you believe that will help(remoting in from moms place, printer is at dads place, yay for covid kicking me out of my apartment).
sidenote: the crash was yesterday, i did not have time to post a thread after it happened as i needed to go to my second job, that may have some relevance.
clarification on that first paragraph: i know the homing is reliable.
Try removing the second M558 H30 entirely and change the first H30 to H5.
I will, thank you for the advice.
Also, after homeall, can you send a single G30 and see if it will probe the bed correctly?
@Phaedrux said in delta auto calibration rams into roof of printer:
Try removing the second M558 H30 entirely and change the first H30 to H5.
er.. no. That's a safety thing to prevent the nozzle from crashing into the build plate when the H parameter of M665 isn't set properly. Instead of having the nozzle move down at the travel speed to z0 + 5mm (and potentially smashing into the build plate), it leaves a larger 30mm gap before running the G30's.
@Phaedrux i have used G30 a few times and it probes the bed properly
@garyd9 said in delta auto calibration rams into roof of printer:
@Phaedrux said in delta auto calibration rams into roof of printer:
Try removing the second M558 H30 entirely and change the first H30 to H5.
er.. no. That's a safety thing to prevent the nozzle from crashing into the build plate when the H parameter of M665 isn't set properly. Instead of having the nozzle move down at the travel speed to z0 + 5mm (and potentially smashing into the build plate), it leaves a larger 30mm gap before running the G30's.
If you know your printer homes properly, then the endstops are working.
After homing (G28), try the following commands to ensure all the movement stuff is going in the proper direction. What all this should do is home, set relative positioning, move the nozzle down 1cm, toward the back of the printer 1cm, toward the left 1cm
G1 Z-10
G1 Y10
G1 X-10Then edit your bed.g and put a G28 as the second command (after the M561.)
I don't think any of this will solve your problem, but it may point to an issue. I'm still trying to figure out why G32 would cause your nozzle to move UP from a home position.
Also, please go into the console for DWC and type the following two commands and copy the results here into the forum. This will tell us if there might be some initial config issue that would be messing up the initial calibration:
(Why use the console and copy the results instead of using values from config files? I have found that getting the "live" data from M665/M666 is more reliable than copying values from config.g and/or config-override.g. The console commands return the values that are actually being used instead of values that are configured to be used.)
@garyd9 said in delta auto calibration rams into roof of printer:
Diagonals 440.000:440.000:440.000, delta radius 227.000, homed height 437.000, bed radius 185.0, X 0.000°, Y 0.000°, Z 0.000°
(seems my z height from the previous step wasnt saved?)M666
Endstop adjustments X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00, tilt X0.00% Y0.00%
(i assume these values will change only after delta calibration?)i apologise for the late reply, i have to go to my dads place physically now due to a forced windows update changing some settings i was relying on to remote in.
Also, i tried the commands you suggested, it moved in the expected directions but i can't measure how accurate the movement was.
@dinlo said in delta auto calibration rams into roof of printer:
@garyd9 said in delta auto calibration rams into roof of printer:
Diagonals 440.000:440.000:440.000, delta radius 227.000, homed height 437.000, bed radius 185.0, X 0.000°, Y 0.000°, Z 0.000°
(seems my z height from the previous step wasnt saved?)To get settings to save, typically you'd add "M501" to the last comment in your config.g. That tells the duet to load information from a file called "config-override.g". Then, certain settings (heater tuning, delta calibration, etc) are written to that config-override.g file when you send the command "M500."
So, once you get your printer calibration working, you'd probably do a "M500" command afterwards to save the settings (which are then loaded via "M501" every time the machine resets.)
(i assume these values will change only after delta calibration?)
Can you confirm that your delta arms are really 440mm long? When you home the printer, is the nozzle really approx 437mm from the bed? (The homed height can be approximate - that will get cleaned up after a calibration.)
Did you make the one change I suggested to your bed.g? (adding G28 to the top of it, after the M561) I doubt it would have made a difference to your problem, but I have to ask: did it help?
@garyd9 i measured the arms as best i could with what i have available, i don't have an exact tool to measure them (my longest calipers are 300mm) but believe that's accurate to at least 2 mm, i should be able to make a jig and reglue them if needed.
the 437 comes from me jogging it from homed height to within a millimeter of the bed.
regarding the G28, i made the change and it homed properly before hitting the roof again (now at a lower speed and with M913 on)
Can you please describe "hitting the roof" in detail? You have a different machine than I do, so I'm having a hard time understanding concepts such as "going past the endstops" and "hitting the roof"
(On my delta machine, it's physically impossible for the carriages to move up beyond the endstops. Not only is there no more rail for the carriages to ride on, there are physical things in the way.)
Can you describe in detail everything that happens when you send the "G32" command to home and calibrate the printer? My expectation based on your config files (and the modification made to bed.g I suggested) would be:
The 3 carriages ride up to the top of the printer, hit the endstops, move down slightly, move back up again, and then again drop down a bit. (This is the "g28" command in action.)
Then the carriages move down to bring the nozzle somewhat near the bed.
Then the carriages move in such a way to move the nozzle towards the back of the printer, then the nozzle dips down to the bed, and comes back up
Repeat step 3 for each of the 16 points specified in your bed.g.
After all 16 points are probed, the printer stops.
Would it be possible to record a short video showing the printer in action when you send a G32 command and put a link to it here?
(I've never heard of what your describing on a delta printer unless the motors were set up in reverse, but you confirmed that they are moving in the correct direction in an earlier reply.)
Did you ever have the printer running properly with an earlier version of RRF? (You mentioned it came with 2.5.1. Did you get it working properly with that version? If so, do you still have a copy of the config files you used then?)
- G28 (as stated)
- the axes goes up to the endstops (these are optical and are triggered by a shim on top of the carriages, hard to take a photo due to them being black)
- they dont stop at the endstops or wait for any other axis (i.e. if x reaches it first, it hits the roof first)
- i shut it down
2 included images showing (well, trying anyway) the shim and a carriage hitting the roof
dunno if you can even see it but that black shim on top of the carriage reaches up and hits an optical switch above the roof
when it reaches this point the steppers just grind away until i shut it downas for earlier versions, no. I immediately upgraded to 3.2.2 since that's what the instructions said
i have the generic config files that came with the board but they were set up for a cartesian.
Can't see anything wrong with your config but I did only have a quick look.
My config for the predator can be found here
just bear in mind that mine had Haydn's delta arms -
@jay_s_uk oh hey, i must have missed that, i saw your blog just as my fourth hotend blobbed itself to death and it was actually what tipped me over the edge on a duet board (that and the possibility to use the effector+v6 on the pred while the duet goes into a future sk-go). I used your guide for most of the predator-specific wiring (like the mentioned endstops) and it all worked first try. (note: i read through the blog again and realised i somehow missed a lot of updates, having last read about when you used the stock effector)
I will try your config tomorrow and return with the results.
As for the Haydn arms, i am planning to buy some either when shipping isnt mad expensive or when i've saved enough to have $250 just laying around (which might take a while as i'm saving for a house rn)
check with m119 manually that each endstop is triggerd.
also check that they correspond to the motor assigned to it.
having the endstop on the wrong motor would cause that.