RRF 3.3beta2 - extruder skipping almost all steps
Board: Duet 3 Mini 5+
FW: 3.3beta2
Same behaviour as with 3.3beta 1.
Version 3.2.2 works fine.Right after the purge line the extruder is skipping almost all steps for the 1st layer whilst printing a test cube.
; General preferences G90 ; Send absolute coordinates... M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves ; Network M550 P"Pruset II MK3s" ; Set machine name M552 S1 ; Enable network ;*** Access point is configured manually via M587 M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP M586 P2 S0 ; Disable Telnet M575 P1 S1 B57600 ; Panel Due ; Drive Mappings M569 P0.0 S1 V0 ; Drive 0 goes forwards: X Axis M569 P0.1 S0 V0 ; Drive 1 goes backwards: Y Axis M569 P0.2 S1 V0 ; Drive 2 goes backwards: Z Axis M569 P0.3 S1 V0 ; Drive 3 goes forwards: E Axis M569 P0.4 S1 V0 ; Drive 4 goes backwards: Z Axis (at E1) ; Micrpstepping and Speed M350 X32 Y32 E16 Z16 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation M92 X200.00 Y200.00 Z400.00 E415.00 ; Set steps per mm ; Speeds, Acceleration and Jerk M566 X240.00 Y240.00 Z24.00 E270.00 P1 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min) M203 X7200.00 Y7200.00 Z723.00 E1200.00 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min) M201 X1250.00 Y1250.00 Z1000.00 E500.00 ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2) M204 P1250.0 T1250.0 ; set print and travel accelerations (mm(s^2) ; Motor currents M906 X800.00 Y850.00 Z650.00 E550.00 I15 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in percent M84 S30 ; Set idle timeout ; Motor remapping for dual Z and axis Limits M584 X0 Y1 Z2:4 E3 ; two Z motors connected to driver outputs Z and E1 M671 X-37:287 Y0:0 S10 ; leadscrews at left (connected to Z) and right (connected to E1) of X axis ; Printer geometry M208 X0:250 Y-4:215 Z-0.5:205 ; X carriage moves from 0 to 250, Y bed goes from 0 to 210 M564 H0 ; allow unhomed movement ; Endstops for each Axis M574 X1 S3 ; Set endstops controlled by motor load detection M574 Y1 S3 ; Set endstops controlled by motor load detection ; Stallgaurd Sensitivy M915 X S0 F0 H200 R0 ; Set X axis Sensitivity ;working 3.3 M915 Y S0 F0 H200 R0 ; Set y axis Sensitivity ; woring 3.3 ; Input Shaper M593 F58.5 ; Z-Probe Super PINDA M574 Z1 S2 ; Set endstops controlled by probe M558 P5 C"^io3.in" I1 H1 F600 T6000 A50 S0.005 ; PINDA ; Probing Mesh Grid and Sheets M557 X24:238 Y10:205 P8 ; Define mesh grid for probing ;G31 P1000 X23 Y5 Z1.575 ; Textured Sheet G31 P1000 X23 Y5 Z1.260 ; PEI ; Heatbed Heaters and Thermistor Bed M308 S0 P"temp0" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4725 C7.060000e-8 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0 Bed M950 H0 C"out0" T0 Q100 ; Creates Bed Heater M307 H0 R0.238 C254.1 D10.82 S1.00 V22.9 B0 ; Bed PID new version M140 H0 ; Bed uses Heater 0 M143 H0 S120 ; Set temperature limit for heater 0 to 120C Bed ; HotEnd Heaters and Thermistor HotEnd M308 S1 P"temp1" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4725 C7.060000e-8 ;define E0 temperature sensor e3d M950 H1 C"out1" T1 ; Create HotEnd Heater M307 H1 R2.277 C166.5:115.4 D6.87 S1.00 V22.9 B0 ; Hotend PID new version M143 H1 S285 ; Set temperature limit for heater 1 to 285C HotEnd M302 S185 R185 ; Fans M950 F1 C"out5" Q250 ; Creates HOTEND Fan M106 P1 T45 S235 H1 ; HOTEND Fan Settings M950 F0 C"out6" Q100 ; Creates PARTS COOLING FAN M106 P0 H-1 ; Set fan 1 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off PARTS COOLING FAN ; Tools M563 P0 D0 H1 F0 ; Define tool 0 G10 P0 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Set tool 0 axis offsets G10 P0 R0 S0 ; Set initial tool 0 active and standby temperatures to 0C ; StealthChop calibration M17 G4 P150 G1 X1 Y1 Z1 G4 S2 M84 ; disable motors
M122 reporting after pausting (not cancelling or stopping) the print:
M122 === Diagnostics === RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ version 3.3beta2 running on Duet 3 Mini5plus Ethernet (standalone mode) Board ID: ZDWF8-8296U-D65J0-40KMU-J603Z-77MM8 Used output buffers: 1 of 40 (31 max) === RTOS === Static ram: 99720 Dynamic ram: 101012 of which 200 recycled Never used RAM 39916, free system stack 132 words Tasks: NETWORK(ready,197) ETHERNET(notifyWait,569) HEAT(notifyWait,297) CanReceiv(notifyWait,943) CanSender(notifyWait,358) CanClock(delaying,340) TMC(delaying,100) MAIN(running,339) IDLE(ready,20) AIN(delaying,260) Owned mutexes: === Platform === Last reset 00:02:58 ago, cause: software Last software reset at 2021-03-12 21:51, reason: User, GCodes spinning, available RAM 39916, slot 0 Software reset code 0x0003 HFSR 0x00000000 CFSR 0x00000000 ICSR 0x00000000 BFAR 0xe000ed38 SP 0x00000000 Task MAIN Freestk 0 n/a Error status: 0x00 Aux0 errors 0,0,0 Aux1 errors 0,0,0 Supply voltage: min 0.0, current 24.0, max 24.1, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0, power good: yes Heap OK, handles allocated/used 99/1, heap memory allocated/used/recyclable 2048/178/142, gc cycles 0 Driver 0: position 2000, standstill, SG min/max 2/436, read errors 0, write errors 1, ifcnt 72, reads 25416, writes 17, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0 Driver 1: position 0, standstill, SG min/max 2/434, read errors 0, write errors 1, ifcnt 70, reads 25407, writes 17, timeouts 8, DMA errors 0, failedOp 0x01 Driver 2: position 3988, standstill, SG min/max 0/276, read errors 0, write errors 1, ifcnt 71, reads 25416, writes 16, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0 Driver 3: position 0, standstill, SG min/max 0/348, read errors 0, write errors 1, ifcnt 58, reads 25404, writes 14, timeouts 14, DMA errors 0, failedOp 0x41 Driver 4: position 0, standstill, SG min/max 0/318, read errors 0, write errors 1, ifcnt 74, reads 25416, writes 17, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0 Driver 5: position 0, assumed not present Driver 6: position 0, assumed not present Date/time: 2021-03-12 21:54:27 Cache data hit count 254514063 Slowest loop: 151.19ms; fastest: 0.07ms === Storage === Free file entries: 9 SD card 0 detected, interface speed: 22.5MBytes/sec SD card longest read time 3.9ms, write time 144.8ms, max retries 0 === Move === DMs created 83, maxWait 86632ms, bed compensation in use: mesh, comp offset 0.000 === MainDDARing === Scheduled moves 152, completed moves 152, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1 === AuxDDARing === Scheduled moves 0, completed moves 0, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1 === Heat === Bed heaters = 0 -1, chamberHeaters = -1 -1 Heater 0 is on, I-accum = 0.2 Heater 1 is on, I-accum = 0.5 === GCodes === Segments left: 0 Movement lock held by null HTTP is idle in state(s) 0 Telnet is idle in state(s) 0 File is doing "G1 X112.050 Y94.667 E-0.47500" in state(s) 0 USB is idle in state(s) 0 Aux is idle in state(s) 0 Trigger is idle in state(s) 0 Queue is idle in state(s) 0 LCD is idle in state(s) 0 SBC is idle in state(s) 0 Daemon is idle in state(s) 0 Aux2 is idle in state(s) 0 Autopause is idle in state(s) 0 Code queue is empty. === Filament sensors === Extruder 0 sensor: ok === CAN === Messages queued 1628, send timeouts 1624, received 0, lost 0, longest wait 0ms for reply type 0, peak Tx sync delay 0, free buffers 17 (min 16) Last cancelled message type 30 dest 127 === Network === Slowest loop: 145.24ms; fastest: 0.03ms Responder states: HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) FTP(0) Telnet(0), 0 sessions HTTP sessions: 1 of 8 - Ethernet - State: active Error counts: 0 0 0 0 0 Socket states: 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0
Does it get better after the first layer?
Printed up to layer height Z 0.6 (third layer).
The result:
M122 report:
M122 === Diagnostics === RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ version 3.3beta2 running on Duet 3 Mini5plus Ethernet (standalone mode) Board ID: ZDWF8-8296U-D65J0-40KMU-J603Z-77MM8 Used output buffers: 1 of 40 (30 max) === RTOS === Static ram: 99720 Dynamic ram: 101012 of which 200 recycled Never used RAM 39916, free system stack 130 words Tasks: NETWORK(ready,221) ETHERNET(notifyWait,569) HEAT(delaying,299) CanReceiv(notifyWait,943) CanSender(notifyWait,358) CanClock(notifyWait,340) TMC(delaying,100) MAIN(running,358) IDLE(ready,20) AIN(delaying,260) Owned mutexes: === Platform === Last reset 00:25:37 ago, cause: software Last software reset at 2021-03-12 21:54, reason: User, GCodes spinning, available RAM 39916, slot 1 Software reset code 0x0003 HFSR 0x00000000 CFSR 0x00000000 ICSR 0x00000000 BFAR 0xe000ed38 SP 0x00000000 Task MAIN Freestk 0 n/a Error status: 0x00 Aux0 errors 0,0,0 Aux1 errors 0,0,0 Supply voltage: min 0.0, current 23.8, max 24.1, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0, power good: yes Heap OK, handles allocated/used 99/1, heap memory allocated/used/recyclable 2048/178/142, gc cycles 0 Driver 0: position 2000, standstill, SG min/max 0/444, read errors 0, write errors 1, ifcnt 90, reads 21905, writes 17, timeouts 2, DMA errors 0, failedOp 0x6f Driver 1: position 0, standstill, SG min/max 0/458, read errors 0, write errors 1, ifcnt 88, reads 21222, writes 17, timeouts 684, DMA errors 0, failedOp 0x06 Driver 2: position 4148, standstill, SG min/max 0/298, read errors 0, write errors 1, ifcnt 88, reads 21907, writes 16, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0 Driver 3: position 0, standstill, SG min/max 0/348, read errors 0, write errors 1, ifcnt 73, reads 19987, writes 14, timeouts 1922, DMA errors 0, failedOp 0x6f Driver 4: position 0, standstill, SG min/max 0/304, read errors 0, write errors 1, ifcnt 92, reads 21907, writes 17, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0 Driver 5: position 0, assumed not present Driver 6: position 0, assumed not present Date/time: 2021-03-12 22:20:14 Cache data hit count 2289284980 Slowest loop: 147.75ms; fastest: 0.07ms === Storage === Free file entries: 9 SD card 0 detected, interface speed: 22.5MBytes/sec SD card longest read time 12.1ms, write time 2.1ms, max retries 0 === Move === DMs created 83, maxWait 1380131ms, bed compensation in use: mesh, comp offset 0.000 === MainDDARing === Scheduled moves 991, completed moves 991, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1 === AuxDDARing === Scheduled moves 0, completed moves 0, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1 === Heat === Bed heaters = 0 -1, chamberHeaters = -1 -1 Heater 0 is on, I-accum = 0.2 Heater 1 is on, I-accum = 0.8 === GCodes === Segments left: 0 Movement lock held by null HTTP is idle in state(s) 0 Telnet is idle in state(s) 0 File is doing "G1 X118.762 Y95.632 E0.14083" in state(s) 0 USB is idle in state(s) 0 Aux is idle in state(s) 0 Trigger is idle in state(s) 0 Queue is idle in state(s) 0 LCD is idle in state(s) 0 SBC is idle in state(s) 0 Daemon is idle in state(s) 0 Aux2 is idle in state(s) 0 Autopause is idle in state(s) 0 Code queue is empty. === Filament sensors === Extruder 0 sensor: ok === CAN === Messages queued 13864, send timeouts 13860, received 0, lost 0, longest wait 0ms for reply type 0, peak Tx sync delay 0, free buffers 17 (min 16) Last cancelled message type 4514 dest 127 === Network === Slowest loop: 208.23ms; fastest: 0.03ms Responder states: HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) FTP(0) Telnet(0), 0 sessions HTTP sessions: 1 of 8 - Ethernet - State: active Error counts: 0 0 0 0 0 Socket states: 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0
If you continue printing it'll look like this (left side 3.2.2, right side was 3.3.b1). Looks differ because of lightning as it was silk filament.
You can try moving your M584 before M906 and M350 in config.g
This is from the dokumentation:
“M584 must come earlier in config.g than any M350 and M906 commands. If it creates new axes, it must also be earlier than any M92, M201, M203, M208, M350, M566, M574, M667 and M669 commands.”Otherwise post the gcode file or atleast the start of it too.
Moved M584 up, below M569 but the results are the same.That's the gcode file:
G10 P0 R210 S210 ; sets the standby temperature ; generated by SuperSlicer 2.3.55 on 2021-03-12 at 21:41:21 UTC ; ; external perimeters extrusion width = 0.45mm ; perimeters extrusion width = 0.45mm ; infill extrusion width = 0.45mm ; solid infill extrusion width = 0.45mm ; top infill extrusion width = 0.42mm ; first layer extrusion width = 0.45mm ; object:{"name":"voron_design_cube_v6","id":"voron_design_cube_v6 id:0 copy 0","object_center":[124.923450,101.813690,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[124.923450,101.813690,7.914903],"boundingbox_size":[20.000000,20.000000,15.829805]} ; plater:{"center":[124.923450,101.813690,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[124.923450,101.813690,7.914903],"boundingbox_size":[20.000000,20.000000,15.829805]} ;TYPE:Custom ; custom gcode: start_gcode M83 ; extruder relative mode M140 S61 ; set bed temp M109 S160 ; Set extruder temp 160C before bed level M190 S61 ; wait for bed temp G32 G29 S0 ; New Mesh Leveling ;G29 S1 ; Use existing Mesh File G1 X0 Y0 Z2 F2000 M109 S210 ; wait for extruder temp G1 X10 Y-3 Z0.3 F1000.0 ; go outside print area G92 E0.0 G1 Z0.2 E8 ; Purge Bubble G1 X60.0 E9.0 F1000.0 ; intro line G1 X100.0 E12.5 F1000.0 ; intro line G92 E0.0 ; custom gcode end: start_gcode G21 ; set units to millimeters G90 ; use absolute coordinates M83 ; use relative distances for extrusion ; custom gcode: start_filament_gcode M572 D0 S 0.055 ; Pressure Advance ;G29 S1 P"Mesh_Textured_PLA.csv" ; Load height map file usual.csv and enable compensation ;M900 K0.05 ;M593 F45 ; Dynamic Acceleration for 40mm/s ; custom gcode end: start_filament_gcode ;LAYER_CHANGE ;Z:0.2 ;HEIGHT:0.2 ; custom gcode: before_layer_gcode ;BEFORE_LAYER_CHANGE G92 E0.0 ;0.2 ; custom gcode end: before_layer_gcode G1 E-0.50000 F2100.00000 G1 Z0.200000 F6000.000 ; custom gcode: layer_gcode ;AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE ;0.2 ; custom gcode end: layer_gcode G1 Z0.800000 G1 X110.599 Y88.464 G1 Z0.200000 G1 E0.50000 F1980.00000 ;TYPE:Skirt G1 F1200.000 M204 P600 G1 X111.396 Y87.633 E0.03662 G1 X112.341 Y86.986 E0.03643 G1 X113.397 Y86.544 E0.03643 G1 X114.526 Y86.325 E0.03662 G1 X134.829 Y86.303 E0.64599 G1 X135.819 Y86.392 E0.03161 G1 X136.777 Y86.654 E0.03161 G1 X137.674 Y87.081 E0.03161 G1 X138.477 Y87.656 E0.03143 G1 X139.171 Y88.367 E0.03161 G1 X139.728 Y89.190 E0.03161 G1 X140.132 Y90.098 E0.03161 G1 X140.369 Y91.062 E0.03161 G1 X140.434 Y91.896 E0.02660 G1 X140.428 Y111.971 E0.63875 G1 X140.322 Y112.830 E0.02753 G1 X140.085 Y113.662 E0.02753 G1 X139.723 Y114.448 E0.02753 G1 X139.248 Y115.164 E0.02734 G1 X138.397 Y116.039 E0.03884 G1 X137.377 Y116.710 E0.03884 G1 X136.230 Y117.145 E0.03902 G1 X135.023 Y117.321 E0.03884 G1 X114.744 Y117.317 E0.64523 G1 X113.891 Y117.209 E0.02734 G1 X113.065 Y116.972 E0.02734 G1 X112.285 Y116.611 E0.02734 G1 X111.574 Y116.139 E0.02716 G1 X110.695 Y115.284 E0.03902 G1 X110.025 Y114.263 E0.03884 G1 X109.592 Y113.122 E0.03884 G1 X109.416 Y111.914 E0.03884 G1 X109.420 Y91.633 E0.64530 G1 X109.528 Y90.780 E0.02734 G1 X109.764 Y89.960 E0.02716 G1 X110.124 Y89.180 E0.02734 G1 X110.566 Y88.514 E0.02543 M204 P1200 G1 X110.905 Y88.742 F6000.000 G1 F1200.000 M204 P600 G1 X111.688 Y87.919 E0.03614 G1 X112.565 Y87.328 E0.03365 G1 X113.548 Y86.924 E0.03383 G1 X114.594 Y86.728 E0.03383 G1 X134.829 Y86.710 E0.64385 G1 X135.748 Y86.793 E0.02937 G1 X136.644 Y87.039 E0.02955 G1 X137.477 Y87.437 E0.02937 G1 X138.230 Y87.980 E0.02955 G1 X138.875 Y88.648 E0.02955 G1 X139.391 Y89.420 E0.02955 G1 X139.761 Y90.272 E0.02955 G1 X139.974 Y91.170 E0.02937 G1 X140.027 Y91.900 E0.02329 G1 X140.022 Y111.950 E0.63795 G1 X139.922 Y112.755 E0.02579 G1 X139.696 Y113.539 E0.02597 G1 X139.353 Y114.274 E0.02579 G1 X138.901 Y114.947 E0.02579 G1 X138.111 Y115.747 E0.03579 G1 X137.162 Y116.362 E0.03597 G1 X136.103 Y116.757 E0.03597 G1 X134.983 Y116.915 E0.03597 G1 X114.771 Y116.911 E0.64310 G1 X113.967 Y116.809 E0.02579 G1 X113.194 Y116.585 E0.02562 G1 X112.459 Y116.242 E0.02579 G1 X111.792 Y115.792 E0.02562 G1 X110.991 Y115.002 E0.03579 G1 X110.376 Y114.054 E0.03597 G1 X109.980 Y112.995 E0.03597 G1 X109.822 Y111.875 E0.03597 G1 X109.826 Y91.660 E0.64319 G1 X109.927 Y90.862 E0.02562 G1 X110.153 Y90.083 E0.02579 G1 X110.496 Y89.348 E0.02579 G1 X110.871 Y88.792 E0.02136 ; printing object voron_design_cube_v6 id:0 copy 0 G1 F4800.000 M204 P1200 G1 X111.653 Y87.958 E-0.47500 G1 E-0.02500 F2100.00000 G1 Z0.800000 F6000.000 G1 X121.096 Y98.393 G1 Z0.200000 G1 E0.50000 F1980.00000 ;TYPE:Perimeter G1 F1200.000 M204 P600 G1 X120.743 Y98.836 E0.01803 G1 X120.573 Y99.090 E0.00972 G1 X120.299 Y99.587 E0.01803 G1 X120.078 Y100.118 E0.01832 G1 X119.919 Y100.671 E0.01832 G1 X119.824 Y101.230 E0.01803 G1 X119.798 Y101.535 E0.00972 G1 X119.798 Y102.102 E0.01803 G1 X119.863 Y102.673 E0.01831 G1 X119.991 Y103.235 E0.01832 G1 X120.178 Y103.770 E0.01803 G1 X120.303 Y104.049 E0.00972 G1 X120.577 Y104.545 E0.01803 G1 X120.910 Y105.014 E0.01832 G1 X121.288 Y105.437 E0.01803 G1 X121.504 Y105.641 E0.00944 G1 X121.730 Y105.832 E0.00944 G1 X122.192 Y106.160 E0.01803 G1 X122.696 Y106.438 E0.01832 G1 X123.228 Y106.659 E0.01831 G1 X123.781 Y106.818 E0.01832 G1 X124.340 Y106.913 E0.01804 G1 X124.647 Y106.939 E0.00980 G1 X125.214 Y106.939 E0.01804 G1 X125.785 Y106.874 E0.01829 G1 X126.346 Y106.746 E0.01829 G1 X126.880 Y106.559 E0.01801 G1 X127.151 Y106.438 E0.00944 G1 X127.424 Y106.296 E0.00980 G1 X127.894 Y106.000 E0.01768 G1 X128.344 Y105.641 E0.01831 G1 X128.745 Y105.240 E0.01803 G1 X128.942 Y105.007 E0.00973 G1 X129.270 Y104.545 E0.01803 G1 X129.548 Y104.041 E0.01832 G1 X129.768 Y103.509 E0.01831 G1 X129.928 Y102.956 E0.01832 G1 X130.024 Y102.388 E0.01831 G1 X130.056 Y101.823 E0.01803 G1 X130.047 Y101.517 E0.00973 G1 X129.984 Y100.954 E0.01803 G1 X129.856 Y100.393 E0.01832 G1 X129.669 Y99.858 E0.01803 G1 X129.544 Y99.579 E0.00972 G1 X129.274 Y99.090 E0.01775 G1 X129.104 Y98.836 E0.00973 G1 X128.751 Y98.393 E0.01803 G1 X128.350 Y97.993 E0.01803 G1 X128.117 Y97.795 E0.00973 G1 X127.654 Y97.467 E0.01803 G1 X127.150 Y97.189 E0.01833 G1 X126.619 Y96.969 E0.01828 G1 X126.067 Y96.810 E0.01829 G1 X125.498 Y96.713 E0.01837 G1 X124.931 Y96.681 E0.01808 G1 X124.622 Y96.690 E0.00981 G1 X124.064 Y96.753 E0.01790 G1 X123.502 Y96.881 E0.01831 G1 X122.967 Y97.068 E0.01803 G1 X122.689 Y97.193 E0.00972 G1 X122.200 Y97.463 E0.01775 G1 X121.946 Y97.633 E0.00972 G1 X121.503 Y97.986 E0.01803 G1 X121.138 Y98.351 E0.01640 M204 P1200 G1 X121.426 Y98.639 F6000.000 ;TYPE:External perimeter G1 F1200.000 M204 P600 G1 X121.072 Y99.077 E0.01794 G1 X120.921 Y99.302 E0.00863 G1 X120.666 Y99.763 E0.01676 G1 X120.463 Y100.253 E0.01686 G1 X120.317 Y100.762 E0.01686 G1 X120.228 Y101.281 E0.01676 G1 X120.205 Y101.552 E0.00863 G1 X120.205 Y102.079 E0.01676 G1 X120.265 Y102.605 E0.01686 G1 X120.383 Y103.122 E0.01686 G1 X120.557 Y103.619 E0.01676 G1 X120.668 Y103.867 E0.00863 G1 X120.922 Y104.328 E0.01676 G1 X121.229 Y104.760 E0.01686 G1 X121.580 Y105.153 E0.01676 G1 X121.775 Y105.337 E0.00853 G1 X121.980 Y105.510 E0.00853 G1 X122.409 Y105.815 E0.01676 G1 X122.873 Y106.071 E0.01686 G1 X123.363 Y106.274 E0.01686 G1 X123.872 Y106.421 E0.01686 G1 X124.391 Y106.509 E0.01677 G1 X124.664 Y106.532 E0.00870 G1 X125.191 Y106.531 E0.01676 G1 X125.717 Y106.472 E0.01684 G1 X126.233 Y106.354 E0.01684 G1 X126.729 Y106.180 E0.01674 G1 X126.973 Y106.071 E0.00852 G1 X127.221 Y105.942 E0.00888 G1 X127.658 Y105.667 E0.01642 G1 X128.072 Y105.337 E0.01686 G1 X128.445 Y104.965 E0.01676 G1 X128.620 Y104.757 E0.00864 G1 X128.925 Y104.328 E0.01676 G1 X129.181 Y103.864 E0.01686 G1 X129.384 Y103.374 E0.01686 G1 X129.530 Y102.865 E0.01686 G1 X129.619 Y102.343 E0.01686 G1 X129.649 Y101.817 E0.01676 G1 X129.641 Y101.546 E0.00864 G1 X129.582 Y101.022 E0.01676 G1 X129.464 Y100.506 E0.01686 G1 X129.290 Y100.008 E0.01676 G1 X129.179 Y99.761 E0.00863 G1 X128.926 Y99.302 E0.01666 G1 X128.775 Y99.077 E0.00863 G1 X128.447 Y98.665 E0.01676 G1 X128.074 Y98.292 E0.01676 G1 X127.867 Y98.117 E0.00864 G1 X127.437 Y97.813 E0.01676 G1 X126.973 Y97.556 E0.01687 G1 X126.485 Y97.354 E0.01683 G1 X125.976 Y97.207 E0.01684 G1 X125.452 Y97.118 E0.01691 G1 X124.925 Y97.088 E0.01680 G1 X124.651 Y97.096 E0.00872 G1 X124.132 Y97.155 E0.01663 G1 X123.615 Y97.273 E0.01686 G1 X123.118 Y97.447 E0.01676 G1 X122.870 Y97.558 E0.00863 G1 X122.412 Y97.811 E0.01666 G1 X122.187 Y97.962 E0.00863 G1 X121.775 Y98.290 E0.01676 G1 X121.469 Y98.596 E0.01377 M204 P1200 G1 X121.034 Y98.562 F6000.000 G1 F4800.000 G1 X121.072 Y99.077 E-0.25910 G1 X120.921 Y99.302 E-0.11278 G1 X120.801 Y99.520 E-0.10312 G1 E-0.02500 F2100.00000 G1 Z0.400000 F6000.000 G1 X116.989 Y105.452 G1 Z0.200000 G1 E0.50000 F1980.00000 ;TYPE:Perimeter G1 F1200.000 M204 P600 G1 X116.989 Y98.337 E0.22637 G1 X115.656 Y98.337 E0.04242 G1 X115.656 Y92.546 E0.18426 G1 X134.191 Y92.546 E0.58977 G1 X134.191 Y93.015 E0.01493 G1 X132.858 Y93.015 E0.04242 G1 X132.858 Y96.771 E0.11952 G1 X134.191 Y96.771 E0.04242 G1 X134.191 Y98.337 E0.04982 G1 X132.858 Y98.337 E0.04242 G1 X132.858 Y105.452 E0.22637 G1 X134.191 Y105.452 E0.04242 G1 X134.191 Y111.082 E0.17913 G1 X133.502 Y111.082 E0.02194 G1 X133.487 Y109.730 E0.04299 G1 X132.394 Y109.786 E0.03482 G1 X131.788 Y109.919 E0.01975 G1 X131.217 Y109.786 E0.01864 G1 X130.143 Y109.735 E0.03422 G1 X130.125 Y111.082 E0.04285 G1 X115.656 Y111.082 E0.46040 G1 X115.656 Y105.452 E0.17913 G1 X116.929 Y105.452 E0.04051 M204 P1200 G1 X116.582 Y105.045 F6000.000
@Argo You have an extra space after your S here:
M572 D0 S 0.055 ; Pressure Advance -
Entered with space and returned the correct value: -
Thanks for your report. Please can you try the same print with pressure advance disabled, so that I can determine whether the issue is with how pressure advance is handled.
Just as a data point, I did a couple of prints yesterday using RRF 3.3.beta2 and with PA of 0.3 and they worked out fine. I'm currently printing a different part, still with PA of 0.3 and RRF 3.3.beta2 and thus far, that too is looking fine.
Reflashed 3.3b2
For the test I disabled all "enhancements". Input shaper (loaded with config.) and Pressure Advance (filament start gcode):
The issue is gone.
Then I went back and enabled "M593 F58.5" within config.g and put "M572 D0 S 0.055" back to my filament start gcode and started the print once again.
The issue is still gone.
I even took the exact same gcode (which had the problem) and the problem is still not reproducible anymore.
When fiddling with firmwares on my Marlin machines I sometimes have to do a factory reset as the FW settings from different version can mix up the stored settings. I guess RRF works different and this can't be the reason.
Anyways, I keep testing and see if I can reproduce the issue.
Before that it was easily to reproduce. Flash 3.3b1 or 3.3b2 and the issue was there. Flashed back to 3.3.2 and the issue was gone (same gcode file).M122 of the "suddenly" working print:
M122 === Diagnostics === RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ version 3.3beta2 running on Duet 3 Mini5plus Ethernet (standalone mode) Board ID: ZDWF8-8296U-D65J0-40KMU-J603Z-77MM8 Used output buffers: 3 of 40 (25 max) === RTOS === Static ram: 99720 Dynamic ram: 101012 of which 200 recycled Never used RAM 39916, free system stack 110 words Tasks: NETWORK(ready,227) ETHERNET(notifyWait,569) HEAT(notifyWait,293) CanReceiv(notifyWait,943) CanSender(notifyWait,358) CanClock(delaying,340) TMC(notifyWait,100) MAIN(running,314) IDLE(ready,20) AIN(delaying,260) Owned mutexes: === Platform === Last reset 00:09:48 ago, cause: software Last software reset at 2021-03-13 14:49, reason: User, GCodes spinning, available RAM 39916, slot 0 Software reset code 0x0003 HFSR 0x00000000 CFSR 0x00000000 ICSR 0x00461000 BFAR 0xe000ed38 SP 0x00000000 Task MAIN Freestk 0 n/a Error status: 0x00 Aux0 errors 0,0,0 Aux1 errors 0,0,0 Supply voltage: min 23.2, current 23.8, max 23.9, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0, power good: yes Heap OK, handles allocated/used 99/1, heap memory allocated/used/recyclable 2048/156/122, gc cycles 0 Driver 0: position 23536, ok, SG min/max 0/420, read errors 0, write errors 0, ifcnt 213, reads 18960, writes 0, timeouts 1, DMA errors 0, failedOp 0x72 Driver 1: position 19853, assumed not present Driver 2: position 1115, standstill, SG min/max 54/308, read errors 0, write errors 0, ifcnt 201, reads 18960, writes 0, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0 Driver 3: position 0, assumed not present Driver 4: position 0, standstill, SG min/max 0/336, read errors 0, write errors 0, ifcnt 210, reads 18961, writes 0, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0 Driver 5: position 0, assumed not present Driver 6: position 0, assumed not present Date/time: 2021-03-13 14:59:15 Cache data hit count 713339858 Slowest loop: 104.41ms; fastest: 0.11ms === Storage === Free file entries: 9 SD card 0 detected, interface speed: 22.5MBytes/sec SD card longest read time 97.2ms, write time 0.0ms, max retries 0 === Move === DMs created 83, maxWait 0ms, bed compensation in use: mesh, comp offset 0.000 === MainDDARing === Scheduled moves 2062, completed moves 2022, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 152, 0], CDDA state 3 === AuxDDARing === Scheduled moves 0, completed moves 0, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1 === Heat === Bed heaters = 0 -1, chamberHeaters = -1 -1 Heater 0 is on, I-accum = 0.4 Heater 1 is on, I-accum = 0.9 === GCodes === Segments left: 1 Movement lock held by null HTTP is idle in state(s) 0 Telnet is idle in state(s) 0 File is doing "G1 X125.146 Y99.266 E0.00855" in state(s) 0 USB is idle in state(s) 0 Aux is idle in state(s) 0 Trigger is idle in state(s) 0 Queue is idle in state(s) 0 LCD is idle in state(s) 0 SBC is idle in state(s) 0 Daemon is idle in state(s) 0 Aux2 is idle in state(s) 0 Autopause is idle in state(s) 0 Code queue is empty. === Filament sensors === Extruder 0 sensor: ok === CAN === Messages queued 1329, send timeouts 1329, received 0, lost 0, longest wait 0ms for reply type 0, peak Tx sync delay 0, free buffers 17 (min 17) Last cancelled message type 30 dest 127 === Network === Slowest loop: 100.28ms; fastest: 0.03ms Responder states: HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) FTP(0) Telnet(0), 0 sessions HTTP sessions: 1 of 8 - Ethernet - State: active Error counts: 0 0 0 0 0 Socket states: 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0
edit: I do notice in the M122 that the write errors are gone.
Thanks. It's normal to get one write error per driver the first time you run M122 after power up or reset. Running M122 clears the error counts, so they should read zero after that unless you get a VIN under-voltage event.