Solved BL touch and Rasberry Pi at the same time?
I have a recently purchased Duet 3 main board set up for me by my local supplier. The problem is they have set up the BL touch to use one of the pins in the connector I need for the Rasberry PI interface. How do I move this pin to a different location so I can still connect the Pi?
@grahamexp There is a dedicate connector for the Raspberry Pi so I don't quite understand how that could conflict. You may connect the BLTouch to io4, io5, or io7. See here for further instructions.
@chrishamm Thanks for the reply. The supplier has wired it via a pin the rasberry pI connector. That's what I want to change.
here is my config.g for the z probe
; Z-Probe
M950 S0 C"io7.out" ; create servo pin 0 for BLTouch
M558 P9 C"^" H5 F360 T6000 A1 B0.2 ; set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds
G31 P500 X-71 Y-42 Z3.0632 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M557 X15:215 Y15:195 S40 ; define mesh grid -
Ok so with some research I have found that the wire I need to move is a ground wire which is currently on pin 6 of the 26 pin connector. Where can i move it to?
@grahamexp is the ground pin of IO7 not free? It’s the centre pin of the five pins. See
@grahamexp also BLTouch has two ground wires. I guess one is already on IO7 ground. You can wire both to the same pin, or to the centre pin on another free IO connector. I also think BLTouch only needs one of the grounds connected, so you could just disconnect it, but do test.
@droftarts yea its not free, I will try disconnect the second ground pin and see what happens.
@grahamexp Bingo! that works. Thank you