Repeating G32 until level
So I have and Mini5+/Ender 5 Plus and the Z axis gets tilted pretty easy (especially when I m working on the printer and moving it etc). So I have a bed.g file defined and the lead screws set in config.g and G32 is working. But I'd like the G32 command to repeat until the bed is level right now I have to re-run it manually until i get down to a reasonable level. How do I go about that?
here is what I have now:
bed.g; Bed file for Ender 5 Plus with probe offset of -45 -7 (creality default) M561 ; clear any bed transform G29 S2 ; Clear bed height map ; Probe point M401 ; Deploy probe - deployprobe.g G30 P0 X47 Y187 Z-9999 ; Left G30 P1 X315 Y187 Z-9999 S2 ;Right M402 ; Retract Probe - retractprobe.g config.g
G31 P500 X-45 Y-7 Z1.69 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height M671 X-23:386 Y180:180 S3 ; Define lead scew locations M557 X5:315 Y5:345 S30 ; define mesh grid Like I said all this works fine I just want it keep running until both Z are within .00x
Thank you.
Here is an example of a file I created for another member.
The values are for his printer.
There are some macro calls which have comments which say what they do.
Feel free to ask questions.
; bed.g ; called to perform bed leveling procedure ; ========================= ; G32 will invoke this file ; ========================= M98 P"homeALL_verify.g" ; verify printer has been homed ; ================================================================================================================================================================================== ; M671: Define positions pf manual bed leveling screws or Z leadscrews ; Xnn:nn:nn... list of between 2 and 4 X coordinates of the leadscrews that drive the Z axis or the bed levelling screws ; Ynn:nn:nn... list of between 2 and 4 Y coordinates of the leadscrews that drive the Z axis or the bed levelling screws ; Snn maximum correction allowed for each leadscrew in mm (optional, default 1.0) ; Pnnn pitch of the bed levelling screws (not used when bed levelling using independently-driven leadscrews). Defaults to 0.5mm which is correct for M3 bed levelling screws ; Fnn fudge factor, default 1.0 ; ================================================================================================================================================================================== ; ***************************************************** ; update the M671 command below with the correct values ; ***************************************************** M671 X327:327 Y520:-95 S6 ; positions of Z lead screws ; --- perform bed leveling --- while true ; run leveling pass ; =============================================================================================== ; NOTE: when G30 is invoked with a P parameter the Z probe X and Y offsets are taken into account ; =============================================================================================== ; *********************************************************************************************** ; update the G30 comands below with the correct values ; *********************************************************************************************** ; ================================= ; method 1 - probe near lead screws ; ================================= G30 P0 X327 Y50 Z-99999 ; probe near lead screw #1 G30 P1 X327 Y425 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near lead screw #2 ; ==================================== ; method 2 - probe near corners of bed MAY NOT BE POSSIBLE GIVEN THIS PRINTER STYLE ; ==================================== ;G30 P0 X??? Y??? Z-99999 ; Left Front ;G30 P1 X??? Y??? Z-99999 ; Left Rear ;G30 P2 X??? Y??? Z-99999 ; Right Rear ;G30 P2 X??? Y??? Z-99999 S3 ; Right Front ; check results - exit loop if results are good if move.calibration.initial.deviation < 0.02 break ; check pass limit - abort if pass limit reached if iterations = 5 M291 P"Bed Leveling Aborted" R"Pass Limit Reached" abort "Bed Leveling Aborted - Pass Limit Reached" ; --- finish up --- ; --- set Z=0 datum which can be affected by leveling --- M98 P"probe_set_z.g" ; set Z=0 datum -
@fcwilt I think I get the gist of that I'll write mine up and see how it works out. Thank you.
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@fcwilt Yep Thanks for the help Put my settings inside the loop like you have. Works perfectly.
If there's a Meta-code repository, it would be nice to post it there. too.
Maybe with variables for iteration-depth and deviation-target. Placed at the beginning of the file, they are easier to find for all of us.