Duet 3 MB6HC Stuck Off
@kurt5105 said in Duet 3 MB6HC Stuck Off:
Eventually I found out if I disconnected the power and the touch usb connector of my display, the pi booted.
How are you powering the Pi and the Duet? Do they each have their own independent supply, or are you trying to power one from the other?
@phaedrux The Duet 3 is powered by a Meanwell PSU while the pi is powered by a 5v 2a power adapter. I have a touchscreen that is also powered by some power adapter that has some USB connector that plugs into the pi to enable touch.
The pi is connected to the Duet via the included ribbon cable, so I'm not sure if there is power draw from that too, but the pi is able to remain on regardless of the Duet since it has its own independent power supply. Not really sure why the touch connector was causing the boot problems for the pi, but it doesn't seem to have affected the Duet at all.
Any extra info I can grab from the pi itself like some debug logs on why the Duet 3 is showing up as "off" but has all the power LEDs on and the diagnostic LED blinking?
Ok your power setup sounds ok. The Duet can provide power to the SBC, but it's not recommended for the Pi4 because it can draw too much especially with a display connected.
The Duet has a jumper to configure the 5v power distribution. How do you have yours configured?
@kurt5105 said in Duet 3 MB6HC Stuck Off:
Any extra info I can grab from the pi itself like some debug logs on why the Duet 3 is showing up as "off" but has all the power LEDs on and the diagnostic LED blinking?
Indeed there is: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Getting_Started_With_Duet_3#Section_Monitoring_optional
One other thing to check, do you have an SD card in the Duet? When using the SBC option there should not be.
Another way to simplify the setup and troubleshoot is to see if you can get it running in standalone mode first without the SBC attached at all. This way you can confirm if the Duet3 itself is functioning correctly.
@phaedrux I only have
Int 5V EN
jumped, and no SD card in the Duet. I have tried 2 different pi 4's by swapping the SD card and they both hit the same error in the web control. Thanks to the logging info you linked, I was able to see on one board what was happening!Here are the logs:
logs.txtThe useful part is:
[fatal] SPI task faulted System.Exception: RepRapFirmware refused message format at DuetControlServer.SPI.DataTransfer.ExchangeHeader() in /home/christian/Duet3D/DuetSoftwareFramework/src/DuetControlServer/SPI/DataTransfer.cs:line 1283 at DuetControlServer.SPI.DataTransfer.PerformFullTransfer(Boolean connecting) in /home/christian/Duet3D/DuetSoftwareFramework/src/DuetControlServer/SPI/DataTransfer.cs:line 163 at DuetControlServer.SPI.Interface.Run() in /home/christian/Duet3D/DuetSoftwareFramework/src/DuetControlServer/SPI/Interface.cs:line 903
So the communication for some reason doesn't seem to be working well, and it's 2 pis vs 1 Duet in this case. The CRC32 hashes are completely incorrect many times so the control server is throwing. I've double checked that the ribbon is connected firmly on both ends. I could try another cable?
Anything else I might be missing here? Why would this connection suddenly be a problem after I previously had this working for multiple hours? I changed the extruder motor and added the Berd Air, but none of that seems like it should have an effect on the SPI.
Can you go through this as well?
@kurt5105 If you got CRC32 errors in the past and if you can confirm the firmware on the Duet matches the DSF version on your Pi, it's definitely worth a try to replace the ribbon cable (for testing jumper wires should do). Performing the troubleshooting steps as suggested by @Phaedrux is a good idea too.
@phaedrux done, it seems like the original ribbon cable has continuity between each corresponding pin, though I'm not actually sure how I would test the quality of the signal.
@chrishamm I replaced the cable and swapped the pi and so far so good. I'm going to keep it running a bit and try printing something. m122 reports the SBC state 4 with 0 disconnects and the rx/tx numbers are the same (I'm guessing this is indicative of the communication being stable). This pi was having issues yesterday too, so I'm inclined to say it was something with the cable.
Oddly enough though, I still have that same issue with the berd air/switch. I can change the fan % of fan 0, the switch LED changes brightness, but the berd air keeps spinning at the same speed. Any easy way to check if the switch is working correctly with a multimeter? I could try the other version of relay (the one in my wiring diagram with sig/vcc/gnd) in the 5v PWM slot if that seems reasonable (and I take it that it would be C"out9" in config despite there being a fan slot labeled out 9 as well).
@kurt5105 No disconnects and equal rx/tx sequence numbers are indeed a good sign. We recently had a user with a damaged SD card that affected the communication as well (just an idea).
If you're worried about a particular output and still have a spare one, perhaps just try to swap it (temporarily). If you need to turn off an output but it remains on when a heater is hot, you need to disable thermostatic control of the fan.
@chrishamm I got a no data response once (but the board immediately reconnected and wasn't in the off state) so far but that's it. I'll give the new relay a shot tomorrow and see if that works and doesn't cause the weird boot loop I was seeing before. I'm also getting a proper 26 to 40 pin cable as the cable I initially got was 26 to 26 which I soon found out the reason for the blank 14 pins and had to jump the rest. Maybe that will fix the no data response. It's still quite odd to me that the cable decided to fail at the exact time I made changes to the printer, and I'm not really sure what I could have done to affect it.
It makes sense to me why I was asked about the SD card so much, that's definitely a really interesting failure. I've personally never had an SD card fail on me and from what I understand they are super resilient.
For the berd air I don't have thermostatic control enabled, this is the gcode:
M950 F0 C"out7" Q20000 M106 P0 S1 H-1
I've definitely struggled setting up the fans on this board. Previously when I added my 2 noctua fans, they just completely stopped spinning and I couldn't control them. I think the default pinout is correct on the connectors, so I'm not really sure why they spin when not added in the config but refuse when added. The docs say "Mixed-voltage setups are not directly supported" but does that mean that having the first row of 4 pin fan slots at 12v and the next row of 2 pins at VIN (in my case 24v) is not supported (thus this fan issue is just undefined behavior)?
@kurt5105 From my experience some fans may struggle with high PWM frequencies like yours. That's why we recommend a default frequency of 500Hz or possibly even less. If they still refuse to turn on at low PWM levels, you may want to increase the blip time a bit.
@chrishamm so I tried the new mosfet board and that still didn't affect whether or not the berd air motor was running. I was getting several DCS stopped errors too. I got logging enabled again, only to see bad CRC32 warnings appearing in the console. When it started to print, I got a warning that phase A in one of my motors was disconnected. It's a good thing I got the warning, since I have a triple axis bed and that would have collided otherwise.
I didn't touch the motor at all, and it definitely is connected. The ribbon cable is the same one that was seemingly working too. Could this somehow be related to the mosfet board? I didn't try the one that was causing a constant boot loop yet, but perhaps that would give us more info? Could this fan output be somehow messing with the rest of the board?