Ajax error when loading large to duet2
Our company bought a Fusion3 F410 recently. I recommended it because it uses a Duet2 controller board. I have a few in my printers at home.Anyway when we try to upload a large program 40+ meg we keep getting an ajax error.
The DWC uploads, says upload complete. But then goes into an ajax error right away. Every time I reconnect to the printer it say the same ajax error and disconnects.
I know fusion is behind on there firmware levels. I can't tell what version they are actually on because it is "their own firmware". The date is from 2015 and I can see many good features missing compared to my firmware level I am running at home.
Anyway, Is there or was there ever a file size limit on print programs? Is it a bad sd card?
Any thoughts?
P.S. It does the same thing with a 20 meg program. I have never had issues at home with files sizes in the past?
@timcurtis67 they use their own custom version of the firmware etc so you're best off going back to them for support