CNC Pendant Disconnecting Duet
Its an Ooznest Duet with their latest firmware, 2.02 I think
I'm really not sure. That firmware version is about 2 years old at this point.
Can you give us more details about the pendant?
@middles is the pendant running exactly the firmware from ? If so then I will review the code.
PS - also, which version of Arduino software did you built it with; and are you using the PanelDue pass-through facility?
Yes it is the code you posted on Github, downloaded and used without change or modification, Arduino IDE 1.8.13. The micro-controller is a pro micro, I have tried two with the same result.
Sorry missed the PanelDue off, no I am not it or the passthrough.
@middles please try the new version I have just committed to
Thank you for this. Unfortunately, I am not at home and away until the end of next week. I will try this when I return.
@dc42 Just built my pendant controller, and the most recent code causes the pendant to not work at all. I used the previous commit and it works fine. Whatever you did, broke it in a big way. I noticed it would not respond to movements, but after enough movements were commanded, my Duet 2 wifi had to be completely restarted
@zakm0n that's strange because it works on my pendant, which uses the Arduino Pro Micro. I didn't test it on an Arduino Nano.
@dc42 I'm using pro micro and Duet 2 wifi on the latest RRF2 build for it. Thought I had it wired wrong, but flashing the older sketch made it work. I am getting some wifi issues with it though.
I have just returned from being away so I haven't tried the modified software. I will do it later today and reply to the forum.
I have just tested both versions of the software, the original works the modified does not. I have repeated this several times with the same results. Attached are screenshots from both which are identical. The Ardunino seems to be outputting correctly but the duet is not responding to the modified software. This is a pro-micro connected to an Ooznest WiFi Duet running the latest firmware. Is there a possibility the new software is picking old include files, I assume the IDE by default uses the include files located in the same directory as the .ino file.
undefined T3P3Tony referenced this topic
My problem is that my pendant (the same as david's, with an arduino micro) only sends the M112 command, but does not perform any movement via the encoder. My hardware is a DUET3 6HC with SBC and without Panel DUE, Configuration CNC. The arduino sketch was uploaded with firmware 1.8.1 thank you for your help
@Zakm0n @middles @madedi123 you can trace what the Duet is receiving. Connect a PC running a terminal emulator (e.g. YAT) to the Duet USB port and send M111 S1 P3. Commands received by RRF will then be echoed to the terminal. Lines starting with "aux:" are commands received rom the PanelDue port.
@Zakm0n @middles do you also find that the emergency stop button on the pendant works, even though the other commands don't?
i will test it tomorrow, yes i know that the emergency stop works but nothing else.
Aux(bad-csum): G91 G0 F6000 X10.0<LF>Aux(bad-csum): G91 G0 F6000 X-10.0<LF>Aux(bad-csum): G91 G0 F6000 X10.0<LF>Aux(bad-csum): G91 G0 F6000 X-10.0<LF>Aux(bad-csum): G91 G0 F6000 X0.1<LF>Aux(bad-csum): G91 G0 F6000 X-0.1<LF>Aux(bad-csum): G91 G0 F6000 Y0.1<LF>Aux(bad-csum): G91 G0 F6000 Y-0.1<LF>Aux(bad-csum): G91 G0 F600 Z0.1<LF>Aux(bad-csum): G91 G0 F600 Z-0.1<LF>Aux(bad-csum): G91 G0 F600 Z0.1<LF>
Looks like the Duet3 and reprap get the commands from the ardiono correct, but why is there no movement ? and what is (bad-csum) after the command ?
i think that the emergency stop on pendant canĀ“t reset duet3, is that whyle the config etc. is saved on the pi ?
@madedi123 thanks, the problem is that RRF thinks the checksums are invalid. That tells me where to look.
The pendant will halt and I think reset the Duet if you press the red emergency stop button.
@madedi123 I found a bug in the CNC pendant firmware that accounts for the bad checksums. I have committed a fix to github, however although it builds OK I don't have time to test it yet.
I will test it! Top David thank you!