New to printing - What's wrong with my top layer?
I recently got this printer working (a retrofix of an existing printer, but now with a Duet2 board, new ps, new head, etc), and I'm scratching my head on this
Currently using Cura. One cube had an infill of 20-30%, the other I did a gradual infill (wasn't a fan of that setting). I even increased the number of top layers. So is there a different setting I should be looking at?
BTW - Loving this Duet2 board. So much nicer than the Printrboard I was trying to use originally.
@egz its hard to see if you have the same issues through the print - it could be under extrusion caused by an issue with the extruder or the incorrect number of esteps configured.
There is a test where you mark a point on the filament (e.g. with some tape. measure the distance between the tape and the extruder, then extrude a fixed amount (e.g. 50mm) and confirm the difference is the extruded amount.
@t3p3tony I'll give that a try again. I did it earlier, but measuring based a black shapie mark on black filament probably wasn't the most accurate. Thanks