Duet 3 Mini5 Wifi crashes after 1-2 min on PSU
I don't think these are related to your specific problem. All of them are benign I think but thought I would bring them to your attention just to be safe.
At line 20 you have M569 P1 S2 - S2 is not listed as a valid parameter.
At line 27 your have settings for 4 extruders but you have only one specified in line 26.
At line 29 through 33 you have multiple values for the Z steppers - that is not valid.
From the docs:
RepRapFirmware does not support individual motor settings where an axis has multiple motors connected to different stepper drivers. The first parameter specified will be used for all motors on the axis. You should use identical motors on any axis that has more than one motor to avoid unexpected behaviour.
At line 43 you have M574 Z1 S2.
From the docs:
The S2 option of M574 is intended for use only when axes other than Z are using the Z probe for homing. The only printers known that do this using Duet electronics are the RepRapPro Ormerod, Huxley Duo, and Mendel Tricolour machines. When using the Z probe to home Z, M574 Z has no bearing on the probe setup or usage. A Z probe and a Z endstop can both be configured at the same time. G30 calling the probe setup with M558, and G1 H1 Z moves calling the endstop configured with M574 Z.
No currently it does not come back anymore after some time (getting worse).Are there "active" 5 Volt pins I could easily point my multimeter to? (Would like to avoid actually measuring CPU pins).
Avoided connecting mains and USB as I read some warnings about it. Thanks for the heads up. I'll simply use a USB-powerbank (as I can connect via wifi in this case).
I hooked up USB power bank in parallel to VIN - lights go on, as soon as I disconnect USB, lights go out.
Will do next time, followed forum instructions to upload files -
Thanks for the hint, I was still in the process in ironing out configuration until the board showed this weired behavior (stopping me in the process).Unfortunately the "online" config tool, only allows to assign one stepper to one axis. So I assigned the rest of the steppers to Ex and started modifying configuration.
Also Probes and Bed sensors are not yet configured properly (I'd love to do that
as soon as the boars starts working again )
@timtom said in Duet 3 Mini5 Wifi crashes after 1-2 min on PSU:
Are there "active" 5 Volt pins I could easily point my multimeter to?
Yes, there are 3.3V and 5V pins available on the 5-pin IO connectors. They are not the same ones used by the internal circuitry, however if the problem is that the 5V rail is dropping then I would expect that 5V on the IO connectors would drop too.
If the 3.3V rail is dropping then the VIN voltage reported by M122 will read high, because 3.3V is used as the voltage reference when reading the VIN voltage.
@timtom said in Duet 3 Mini5 Wifi crashes after 1-2 min on PSU:
I hooked up USB power bank in parallel to VIN - lights go on, as soon as I disconnect USB, lights go out.
Which lights: the red 5V and green 3.3V LEDs? If those are not lit when using VIN power alone, then that indicates the problem is with power. Is the blue VIN LED lit solidly? What about the amber 12V LED next to the blue one?
Yes that seems to be the trouble 3.3V and 5V are dead.
As soon as USB power is gone no 3.3 Volts on IO pins and 5 Volt slowly drops to zero over time.Yes that's what I wanted to say in my first post (all LED's switch off)
Only LED V Fused and LED 12V stay on.Given the analysis so far I assume I'm the lucky winner in the hardware defect draw :), unless you have further suggestions I'd contact my reseller for replacement (or is the board of interest for further analysis?)
@timtom it would be worth trying disconnecting everything (endstops, Z probe etc.) from the IO connectors and also disconnecting any LCD display that you have connected to the Duet, in case anything is drawing excess current. If the problem persists then I agree, you need a replacement under warranty.
Disconnecting everything was the first thing I did.
The only remaining connection is to the Duet 3 Expansion Mini 2+ (as this is really well connected). And nothing on the board was exceptionally hot.Thanks a lot for your support. Usually I tend to believe I'm to stupid but in this case lucky for me, that did not turn out to be true
Thanks again for your great support on a rainy Saturday afternoon.
@timtom I'm sorry your board has developed a fault. Please email warranty@duet3d.com to start your warranty claim. You will receive a reply with a link to a form to fill in.
Thanks, do you want the board for review? Then I would go that path, if not I would contact my German reseller (Filafarm) easing things with Brexit and Shipping :).BTW, keep up the great work, beside the HW defect it is a pleasure to work with the board, it boots fast, reacts fast, etc.
So for now I'm going to finish my configuration with VIN and USB-powerbank :). (Wife and kid are with family over the weekend, need to take this chance).
@timtom you will need to fill in the form anyway so that we can contact Filafarm and authorise them to replace your board. Yes Brexit is a horrible mess and makes things difficult, so we will arrange for Filafarm to provide the replacement.