Latest PanelDue Hardware?
I'd like to build a PanelDue, my LCD arrived today. I see in David's blog that there is now a "Version 3" referenced which has a SAM4, however I only see a version 2.0 pcb in the dc42/paneldue github repo. Is there a new PCB design for v3, or did the SAM4 drop right in to the same pcb v2.0?
Thank you!
The PCB did change and I need to update github.
Thank you David, I am looking forward to it so I can order the pcb and components.
Will the Ver 3 still fit into this case?
Version 3 should fit any enclosure that was designed to accommodate version 2.
Thank you David.
Thanks David for getting the files up so quickly.
I have a question regarding the Crystal XT1: there are different load capacitance options, namely 12pf and 18pf, can you suggest if a particular one is needed?
I am down to these options:;Pin+Count:2;Standard+Package+Name:SMD;&sortBy=calculatedPrice&sortDirection=asc
Thanks for your time.
Check the SAM4S datasheet, I recall that it is quite particular in the range of load capacitance and ESR that it likes.