Unable to connect to Duet3 Mini 5+ with USB
I am trying to upgrade my aging 3d printers with Duets. However, i have just spent several hours unable to get the initial serial communication going. I have followed through the procedure, I do get a response from the Duet, but it is not decoding properly. I have tried all the common comm speeds, up to 115200, the port seems right, the most up to date driver installed, tired 2 computers, multiple usb ports. W10. Is there any way to connect through the WIFI, without first having the USB? I do not seem to be able to find the default serial connection settings. Pronterface seems to try, but no luck.
I am open to any suggestions.
David -
Have you verified the Duet SD card has a config.g file that enables communication over the USB port?
Did you by chance erase the Duet firmware?
I would suggest you go through these steps to get the latest firmware installed on the mini5 just incase it's been wiped.
@fcwilt Thanks - there is config.g file, but not much in it:
in the system folder; Default config.g template for DuetPi
; Replace this with a proper configuration file (e.g from https://configtool.reprapfirmware.org); Display initial welcome message
M291 P"Please go to <a href=""https://www.duet3d.com/StartHere"" target=""_blank"">this</a> page for further instructions on how to set it up." R"Welcome to your new Duet 3!" S1 T0; Enable network
if {network.interfaces[0].type = "ethernet"}
M552 P0.0.0.0 S1
M552 S1 -
@phaedrux I did as you suggested - DuetBoot appears
There are only 2 files
@phaedrux When i do a reset, I can only see the System Volume Information, when I look at the SD card directly in my PC, I can see many folders and files, including the SYS folder with the ,UF2 file in it.
My PC can view the SD card, but complains about the format each time. Is it possible that I have a problem with the SD card.
Should I copy it, format, and copy the data back
David -
@phaedrux - Thankyou - it took most of the evening, but I now have the status light flashing, YET will not connect, but Pronterface finds it fine, and I get a response from the Duet. Much appreciated. Now If I can just figure out how to get the WIFI working.
David -
See if this helps you get connected to wifi
@phaedrux Thanks: I had been working my way through this, when |I found that I got no response from the Duet. appreciated
Let us know how you make out.