Ender 3 RRF v1.1 setting up BLtouch
@gixxerfast Wait, so if I set up the offset correctly, how do I get from here to be able to do the bed mesh?
You have something like this in your config.g:;mesh_min: 30, 15 ;mesh_max: 190, 220 ;probe_count: 5 M557 X30:190 Y15:220 P5 ; define mesh grid Then you have a file called mesh.g in your /sys directory with something like this in it:
G29 S2 ; move to the center of the mesh with the PROBE (mind affset in Y is 25 above noozle) G90 var xoffset = 37.1 var yoffset = 9.25 var xpos = {110 - var.xoffset} var ypos = {117.5 - var.yoffset} G1 X{var.xpos} Y{var.ypos} Z15 F6000 echo "Setting Probe Offset now" G30 K0 G1 Z15 F3000 G29 S0 The offsets of course depends on where you have your probe mounted.
@re_tour Home all, then mesh.
G32 ; call bed.gIn bedg.g I have:
; bed.g ; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32 M561 ; clear any bed transform if !move.axes[0].homed || !move.axes[1].homed || !move.axes[2].homed G28 M290 R0 S0 ; clear baby stepping G29 S1 ; load heightmap.csv if result > 1 ; if no heightmap.csv, make one G29 S0 -
Okay, looks like subtraction is the way to go when calibrating offset
Offset is now correct and set to Z3.55.the part you mentioned in config.g looks like this for me:
; Z-Probe M950 S0 C"servo0" ; create servo pin 0 for BLTouch M558 P9 C"^probe" H5 F300:120 A3 T6000 ; set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds,the F300:120 first speed 300 second 120 G31 P500 X117.5 Y117.5 Z3.55 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height M557 X15:215 Y15:195 S20 ; define mesh grid But, I don't have a mesh.g in my sys. Do I have to make that for myself or it will autamatically be generated once I run the process?
@stephen6309 I have this in bed.g:
; bed.g ; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32 ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.3.1-LPC-STM32+2 on Tue Dec 28 2021 01:07:55 GMT+0100 (közép-európai téli idő) M561 ; clear any bed transform G29 ; probe the bed and enable compensation -
@re_tour Great!! I always get that the other way around.
If you're happy with your mesh grid go for it
You will have to make the file yourself.
@re_tour G32 and bed.g is for gantry/bed leveling. G29 and mesh.g is for the bed mesh.
In earlier vesrions of RRF I think mesh-g didn't exist so therefore a lot of people still uses bed.g with the G32.
Anyhow, the Ender can't level gantry or bed automatically since it only has one z-motor
@gixxerfast Oh right, so I can only use the bed mesh anyways.
Okay so I modified the config.g a little bit:
M557 X30:190 Y30:190 P5 ; define mesh grid and copied your mesh.g, in which I presume I'll have to measure the distances with a ruler or something?
@re_tour That will work fine. I have the if statements make sure it's homed and load the height map. Also, I clear the baby stepping, since I update a macro I call to set the Z offset.
@re_tour Yes, if you don't already know them. Usually mounts have a them in the description/documentation. It's not very precise so ruler works.
As said above, it's probably wise to add this to the top of your mesh.g
if !move.axes[0].homed || !move.axes[1].homed || !move.axes[2].homed G28 M290 R0 S0 ; clear baby stepping But then you should be ready to go
@gixxerfast Thank you. Lastly, how do I measure these:
var xoffset = 37.1 var yoffset = 9.25 var xpos = {110 - var.xoffset} var ypos = {117.5 - var.yoffset} I mean in relation to what from what?
Also, what kind of bltouch holder do you have? Maybe we have the same which would mean the numbers are mostly correct
@re_tour I have the Voron Afterburner, so probably not. But I have my probe to the right and behind the nozzle seen standing in fron of the printer.
Should be the same numbers you have in your G31 command
<-------- 37.1 -------> x ^ | 9.25 | o --- -
@gixxerfast Okay, so measured up I now have the following mesh.g:
if !move.axes[0].homed || !move.axes[1].homed || !move.axes[2].homed G28 M290 R0 S0 ; clear baby stepping G29 S2 ; move to the center of the mesh with the PROBE (mind affset in Y is 25 above noozle) G90 var xoffset = 44 var yoffset = 18 var xpos = {117.5 - var.xoffset} var ypos = {117.5 - var.yoffset} G1 X{var.xpos} Y{var.ypos} Z15 F6000 echo "Setting Probe Offset now" G30 K0 G1 Z15 F3000 G29 S0 In which the xpos and ypos is the same as this line in the config.g file:
G31 P500 X117.5 Y117.5 Z3.55 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height What is the next step from here?
@re_tour said in Ender 3 RRF v1.1 setting up BLtouch:
G31 P500 X117.5 Y117.5 Z3.55
No, this must be wrong
Shouldn't it be:
G31 P500 X44 Y18 Z3.55
@re_tour When all of this is done. Heat your bed to the standard temp and the home all with
and run mesh compensation:
The you should have a mesh file which you can look at with:
To be honest for some reason I set that number at the start after browsing through reddit. Since you have the same printer, what is it for you?
Btw just to clarify,
var xoffset = 44 var yoffset = 18 This is measured from the sensor to the nozzle, right?
@re_tour said in Ender 3 RRF v1.1 setting up BLtouch:
This is measured from the sensor to the nozzle, right?
Yes, You have my offsets up there but OK:
var xoffset = 37.1 var yoffset = 9.25 As said, I have my probe to the right and behind the nozzle. Most stock Enders usually have it to the left (negative number) and on par y wise (as far as I can remember).
@re_tour Which toolhead do you have, stock or custom?
@gixxerfast Stock, and my bltouch is to the left from the nozzle. Here is the link to it.
so, what do these numbers represent in G31 and how do I set them to be correct?
G31 P500 X117.5 Y117.5 Z3.55 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height -
Try this and see:G31 P500 X-44 Y-18 Z3.55
It should be the same you had in Marlin when it worked before the RRF was installed