Ender 3 PSU fan swap didn't go as I hoped
Hey everyone!
I had this beautiful dream, that if I swap all my factory fans with Noctua ones then my Ender 3 will be much more silent. (as this was the case with my PC) First I swapped the hot end fan, which wasn't much quieter, but less annoying than the factory one. Then I swapped the PSU fan with a Noctua NF-A6x25 PWM with a 2 pin adapter. I also printed a new cover for it. This one however is much more noisy than the factory one.
I was wondering if I did anything wrong? Is there any option/method to make the PSU fan less noisy by reducing the RPM or having the fan only turn on when the temperature rises above a certain level?
I think the stock fan is already temp controlled inside of the PSU. So it would only turn on when it got warm and then turn off again. Noctua fans usually come with a resistance adapter to drop their voltage and quiet them further. Did your fan come with that?
If not you could wire the PSU fan to a PWM controllable fan heater on the Duet. Which header did you use?
@phaedrux Thank god you told me. After I used the adapter the noise level dropped significantly.
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