Need hobby servo help
I'm trying to connect a 12g hobby servo to my 6hc mb. I'm running dwc 3.2. I'm using the example from the Duet 3d documentation, connecting hobby servos and DC motors.
The servo sig wire is connected to out 9 header pin labeled out 9 which is a pwm pin. I'm running a separate 5v ps with the ps and 6hc grounds connected.
The example uses this code to define the servo,
M950 S1 C"out9" ; assign GPIO port 1 to out9 (Servo header), servo mode
I've changed S1 to S5, port 5
To move the servo the code is M280 P5 S80 ; move servo on port 5 80 deg
When I execute the 2 commands from dwc nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? Thanks -
I got it, wrong out 9, should be connected to servo drive out 9.