Upgrade Tripodmaker
I'm using
Firmware Electronics: Duet Ethernet 1.0
Firmware Version: 1.19 (2017-08-14)
Web Interface Version: 1.19 -
Great board, first print came out and was excellent.
No elephant feet, and the only noise is from the fans. -
Please upgrade to 1.19.2 and DWC 1.19.3 from https://github.com/dc42/RepRapFirmware/releases.
Hi probably a dumb question, the z probe offset is related to the nozzle or to the center of the head?
It's relative to the head reference point (HRP), so are the nozzle offsets you specify in the G10 command(s). You can choose the HRP to be wherever you like; but in a printer with just one nozzle it would be unusual not to chose the nozzle location as the HRP.
Is there any documentation available? Couldn't find it.
Is there any documentation available? Couldn't find it.
G31 is what you need https://duet3d.com/wiki/G-code#G31:_Set_or_Report_Current_Probe_status
I ment documentation on setting the head reference point.
You don't set the head reference point, you choose it and then set the nozzle and Z probe offsets relative to it.
If I understand it correctly, it's like this:
My nozzle has an offset of 9 mm X direction to the center of the head.
I can choose the reference point where I want.
For 1 nozzle that would be the nozzle.
How does the printer know it has an offset of 9 mm?
And this is important for the build plate, how do I eliminate the 9mm offset in X direction. Like I have now.When I add the 2nd nozzle,
I can choose to keep the HRP on nozzle 1, and give nozzle 2 an offset of -18 mm.
or I can set the HRP in the center of the head and gibe both nozzles a +/- 9mm offset. -
Once you have chosen the HRP, you can use the M208 S0 and M208 S1 commands to define the bed limits and your X and Y homing positions in terms of that point. That's how to get rid of your 9mm offset.