CR-10s Heated Bed Error: Temp rising too slowly
I've replaced the main board in my CR-10s with the Duet 3 Mini 5+.
I'm having a hell of a time configuring this thing. I've been at it for over a month without extruding a mm of filament. Most of the info I can find is either incomplete, isn't informative about my hardware, contradictory or assumes intimate knowledge of all of the variations of RepRap gcode. I'm beyond frustrated so excuse me if I come across as annoyed...
My latest in a string of difficulties is that when I try to heat the bed to 55c I get the following error:
"Error: Heater 0 fault: temperature rising too slowly: expected 2.31°C/sec measured 0.18°C/sec"It's always some variation of that. I'll include my latest config.g file.
I'm really hoping someone can help me. I really just want to use this paperweight...
[Edit] I should mention that I've tried tuning the bed heater with "M303 H0 S60" but it wouldn't procede past "Auto tune starting phase 3, measuring". I left it on all night. There were no errors or anything. It just sat there. I powered it off and on and everything seemed the same.
@phrayzur said in CR-10s Heated Bed Error: Temp rising too slowly:
M303 H0 S60
This is the solution to the heater fault message you're getting, but the tuning must complete and you must save the results.
When you send that M303 command you should watch the temperature graph. The bed temp should raise and and cool several times. This can take some time on a large bed. When it's done, it should indicate it's finished, and you need to send M500 to save the results to config-overide.g. Then you must add M501 to the end of config.g to load those saved results at the next power cycle.
See here for more detail:
@phaedrux I appreciate the advice, but I've tried a couple of time to run "M303 H0 S60" a few times. I even left it running over night. It just never finishes. I know I've got 12v to the bed and when I run "M303 H0 S60" the bed gets hot and the thermistor registers the correct temperature. I have no idea how to get it to finish.
Any other suggestions? Or maybe you know where I could get a preconfigured config for a CR-10s?
How big is the bed on the CR-10s?
12v heater on a large bed could take a long time to complete.
Can you try tuning again and this time take a photo of the temperature graph after it's been running for a bit. Also, if you think it's stuck, send M303 by itself and it will tell you what state it's currently in.
@phrayzur said in CR-10s Heated Bed Error: Temp rising too slowly:
Or maybe you know where I could get a preconfigured config for a CR-10s?
Well no, because it needs to measure the characteristics of your actual bed heater.
@phaedrux I really appreciate your help with this... Thank you!
I haven't received the heating too slowly error since I tried tuning again. I added a basic PID value before I ran it. I think that made the difference.
When I say it's heating really slowly, apart from the error, I mean complared to the same printer with the original main board. It's the stock heater bed.
I'm running a tuning cycle right now. I'm including the screen cap of the process during Phase 3
at 19 mins in.