HELP! Can't log in to both machinesWIFI passwords!?
@fusedeep said in HELP! Can't log in to both machinesWIFI passwords!?:
Can i do this directly in the sd card edit?
Yes. Create a text file with the Gcode commands I listed earlier. Save it on your local machine as "runonce.g". Copy it to the SD card from one of the printers, in the "sys" folder. Return SD card to machine, turn on machine, give it a minute, then try and connect.
Do one at a time, giving them different SSID names and IP addresses (I think, from memory, you gave them both the same IP address before; this could be where it's got confused). The password can be the same for both, though.
FYI: File runonce.g is supported from RRF3.1.0 and later. If this file is present at startup, it is run after running config.g and activating the network, and then deleted. So I hope you're not on RRF 2.x!
But, I have put the M859 code line directly and nothing will connect using that pasword.
What is the difference using a one time widget?
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@fusedeep You need to turn off the Access Point (with M552 S0), change the SSID/password (with M587), then turn it back on again. The macro does this for you.
If you're able to do this with a serial terminal (putty/YAT), you don't need to use a macro.
Save the file as a .txt file, then edit the name and replace '.txt' with '.g'.
I have added;
M589 S"DuetSSID" P"password" I192.168.0.1
To my point 6 (with my password) and it won't accept the password.
Nor will my phone.
Or my other laptop.
They keep asking for NETWORK SECURITY KEYS, I don't think this is anything to do with gcode passwords and a fundamental password deep in duet that is either borked or I forgot.
It's a real problem people.
I was nervous about going wifi, and this is exactly why...
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@fusedeep said in HELP! Can't log in to both machinesWIFI passwords!?:
I have added;
M589 S"DuetSSID" P"password" I192.168.0.1
To my point 6 (with my password) and it won't accept the password.Please post the text files you moved to your Duets as "runonce.g"
fundamental password deep in duet
There is none.
M552 S0 ; sets WiFi to idle
G4 S5 ; wait 5 seconds for WiFi to turn off
M589 S"DuetSSID" P"Point6" I192.168.0.1
G4 S5 ; wait again
M552 S2 ; enable access pointI dropped this into macros folder as a g file extension
It does not work.
@fusedeep said in HELP! Can't log in to both machinesWIFI passwords!?:
I dropped this into macros folder as a g file extension
put it into your /sys/ folder and try again.
Edit: To verify that the macro "runounce.g" was executed, take a second look at the /sys/ directory: the file must have vanished.
All fixed now! The WiFi passwords had been lost due to a laptop borking and being rebuilt, so the Duets needed resetting with M589 (there's no way to recover the WiFi password). However, one undocumented 'feature' - WiFi passwords need to be at least 8 characters long. So the runonce.g wasn't working. Once @FuseDeep connected via YAT (which wasn't working on the original laptop, had to use another laptop), he could see the error message, and set a correct SSID and password.
I'll update the M589 documentation to reflect this.
Yes, exactly as Ian said.
Thank you so much everyone above for your constructive suggestions and comments.
I have now stopped sobbing into my keyboard!
And written the password clearly on each machine.
In modern windows you have to enable view file extension in folder settings too!
In the old days you could simply edit, but they are trying to tidy up, apparently...
Really, that’s it. Microsoft may think it makes for less confusion, but the reverse is true.
It’s pretty clear by now that Microsoft is unlikely to see the light and display file extensions by default in any version of Windows. That doesn’t matter because you can take charge of the situation yourself and turn extension display on:
Open any folder window.
Press Alt+T+O (that’s the letter O, not a zero) to open the Folder Options dialog box.
Click the View tab.
Remove the tick (checkmark) beside ‘Hide extensions for known file types’ and click OK.//
Oh, and the first USB cable he used seemed not to carry data! I 'encouraged' him to try another cable, which fortunately worked.
Edit: If you are asked for a 'network security key', this is the password that protects your WiFi network. If you have a Wi-Fi router (or Duet in Access Point mode) in your home, you'll need a code to connect your device to it. That WiFi password is your network security key.
@droftarts said in HELP! Can't log in to both machinesWIFI passwords!?:
If you are asked for a 'network security key', this is the password that protects your WiFi network. If you have a Wi-Fi router in your home, you'll need a code to connect your device to it. That WiFi password is your network security key.
That's what I thought. But I got the impression @FuseDeep has no router installed.
BTW: great job! There should be a way to vote tarts
@infiniteloop In this case, the Duet is the 'router'. It's the message you get in Windows if the Access Point/Router rejects the password.
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