Duet 3 mini 5+ screeching noise when moving stepper motors
@deckingman they are essential with slight variations to there model number. For instance the y stepper motor end in 01N instead of 02N and the Z is 03N. The stepper motor current is set so high on the extruder is because I'm using the orbiter V1.5 and that's there recommended current usage. I will try to up the current and see if that helps.
@ray-r looking at your config.g file I see that you have the X, Y and Z motors set to the same steps/mm (M92), maximum speed (M203) and acceleration (M201). From photos I find on the web it appears to me that the Cetus 3D is a Cartesian printer with a leadscrew-driven Z axis. If that's the case then the Z axis will almost certainly have a higher steps/mm than X and Y, and it will need a lower maximum speed and acceleration; so I am not surprised that the Z motor screeches when you try to move it.
@dc42 I don't think that is true, or at least not for the one that I have. My printer is on linear rails driven by a belt. That goes for all axis'. I originally modeled my config file off of CNC Kitchen's config for his Cetus, https://youtu.be/WcPyujDF2eU, video for reference. It still gave me the loud noise when operating the stepper motors. I will try to lower the speed and acceleration. Hopefully that works. Thank you all for the help.
undefined Jman3 referenced this topic
I also have a Cetus MK2, and I have the same problem.
I just switched from a Duet2 Wifi to a Mini5+, and suddenly the Y motor makes a nasty screetching noise. The other motors are fine, and before, when the Duet wifi was running things there was also no noise.
I've experimented with different current values, with microstepping and interpolation and with tuning stealthchop, but so far nothing helped. Any ideas?
@nikscha The Duet 2 WiFi is set to spreadCycle continuously. You could try running it in spreadCycle on the Mini 5+, and to avoid coil whine have it switch to stealthChop when stationary (set changeover speed at below the jerk value). The spreadCycle on the Mini 5+ is different from the Duet 2; they use different drivers, and different versions of spreadCycle.
Are the other axes noisy? What happens if you swap motors over?