Understanding Duet 3 6HC 3D Controller board
Working on understanding the Duet 3 6HC 3D offering. Rebirthing a Raise N2 dual to IDEX, is it possible to swipe SD card out of N2 controller board, edit what is required? Really would like to keep the Raise display. Also is there a spot on this board to plug in a WiFi card. I'm a hard-wire guy, just checking.
@surrfman I have a 6HC and it is a good board. You will have to create entirely new config files for the 6HC to run the existing hardware. I doubt it will be easy to (or even likely) to get the current display to work with the 6HC. The 6HC is not WiFi compatible.
You're also going to have to do quite a bit of rewiring/new connectors for the steppers, sensors, etc. to the 6HC.
Take a look here for some basics on adapting an existing printer to use a Duet.
Try and gather as much information from the current firmware, electronics, mechanics, wiring, etc as possible.
If you wanted wifi with the 6HC you could add a Raspberry Pi.
For display, the Raise display is unlikely to work. You'd either have to use a PanelDue, or once again, use a Pi and an HDMI connected display for the full Duet Web Control interface.
@surrfman another way to get wifi with the 6HC is to use a wifi to ethernet bridge. These can be purchased for about 20 £/US$/Euro upwards.
How much current do the stepper motors need? The Duet 3 Mini WiFi + Mini 2+ may be suitable.
Thanks guys!!! Wasn't quite descriptive as should have been. Doing due research, Line-up will be the 6HC, Raspberry Pi, and PanelDue. What I really hate to lose is that Raise style information on display, hence asking about using code off N2's SIM card.
Wiring not an issue, starting wiring when my dad would get me Popular Electronics 3 tube (vacuum) radio kits, back in the 1960's.
Stepper motor currents are next on the "figure it out" list, Stay tuned. Contacted Raise, about N2 existing. Most they would reply is motor size designation, you'll be able to go from there. Are NEMA 11 enough to drag extruder/mosquito hotend/ fan, bed level probe, and PC board across 12" of MGN-12 with H blocks? Or go NEMA 17? What about motor brand preferences?
End stops, Would like to set them all either NO or NC, Will replace all as they are inexpensive, any brand preference?
Thanks guys, help always much appreciated!
@surrfman are there any part number labels on the motors? If so then you can look them up online. If not, then I suggest you measure the resistance of one phase; then you can search a stepper motor catalogue for a motor of similar Nema size, length and phase resistance to get a good estimate of the other parameters.
You could also try to identify the stepper motor driver chips on the Raise board, which wold give a good idea of the motor current requirements.