Issue with board during update
I got my board out of my bxd and installed it into my 3d printed enclosure. I plugged it in usb and got it updated to 3.4.4. I was working on creating my printer profile and uploading it to my sd for use with my printer using the online tool. I inserted the sd. plugged in the board to the pc to power it on and it wouldn't connect. I pushed reset and still nothing. It was just working. Put the previously good files on the sd and still nothing. Won't even connect to pc. Tried Boss Also
Update: If I plug it in to usb it starts to smoke. was never plugged into mains or psu. -
Can you share some photos of the board? Where did the smoke come from?
Was it connected to mains and USB originally?
@Phaedrux it was never connected to anything but usb. I will include photos but I cannot see anything. it is getting hot near the usb port.
When and where was it purchased?
@Phaedrux it was over a year ago when I began my build but I just got it out last week as I'm waiting on my glass to come in and that is the last part.
Ordered on May 6, 2021 (1 item)
Duet 2 Wifi 3D Printer Motherboard Kit -
Who was the amazon seller? There are many clones on there.
@Phaedrux FYSETC
That is a clone, sorry. I suggest you try and get a return with amazon.
@Phaedrux Refund is being processed. I'm going authentic this time! Thank you for your support!
When you get your new board, start here:
Come back if you have any questions.