Brake stepper motor
How much current does the brake need? You may be able to drive it from a fan connector. You will need to add a flyback diode if your Duet WiFi PCB is earlier than revision 1.02.
Brake consumes 0.4 Ampere current. It has two wires one for 24v Supply and other for GND. Through programming, I need to trigger the supply and disconnect the same like relay switch for the brake supply wire.
Thank you -
Is the brake off when power is applied to it, and on when no power is applied? If so then you can just wire it in parallel with VIN.
The brake is on when no power is applied. What's the solution for this?
Like I said, wire it to VIN.
But sir, wiring it to Vin will continouosly supply the power keeping brake in off position always. What if during the operations we want to apply the brake?
In that case, connect it to a spare fan output, with a flyback diode in parallel with it if your Duet PCB is earlier than version 1.02, and use the M106 command to turn it on or off.
No sir, Version for my Duet is 1.18.1. What to do in this case?
It's the PCB revision that matters, not the firmware revision. Look for the text "Duet WiFi V1.0" (or V1.01 or V1.02) on the top of the Duet.
It's not mentioned on the duet. Can I read the same on the web control?
If you look at the silkscreen on the Duet in the middle it will say v1.02 or something similar, along with the license etc.
It's version V1.0. what to do in this case?
It's version V1.0. what to do in this case?
That makes it earlier than V1.02 so do what DC42 said 5 posts up.
Can you help how to connect flyback diode and its connections with the board as I want to run brake stepper motor?
Kindly help me with images.
Thank you! -
Need help with diagrams on connections of flyback diode and brake stepper supply wires to the duet wifi board.
Thank you. -
Just connect a 1N400x (where x = any digit 1 to 7) in parallel with the brake. Important: the cathode of the diode (the end with the stripe) must be connected to the positive connection of the brake solenoid (the end that goes to the fan connector pin marked V_FAN).
Here is a sample schematic.
The mosfet in this diagram corresponds to the fan driver mosfet on the Duet, the "12V" label in that diagram corresponds to the V_FAN pin on the fan connector, and the "Drain" label corresponds to the FAN- pin on the fan connector.