Using mounting holes, does it affect the Smarteffector probing?
I want to use the Rapido Hotend. I would attach it to the Smarteffector via the mountingholes via a plate (shown in the Pictrue). Can I do it like this or does the hotend have to be attached to the 12 mm center hole for correct probing, same with the Extruder which is mounted on the top?
Best regrads
Tim -
@tkln I asked @dc42 the same question a while back:
Is it okay to mount a direct extruder on the 3 holes closer in to the hot end hole? We don't seem to mention in the documentation what they are for.
His reply:
Yes it's OK to use those holes to mount stuff, but try to avoid constraining the flexing of the PCB when nozzle contract is made. I suggest using nylon washers or printed parts on both sides.
So I wouldn't clamp anything tightly to the PCB between the three holes. Space it off with nylon washers.
Thanks for the replay.So the hotend has to be attached to the hotend heatsink hole (12 mm)?
Best regards
Tim -
@tkln good question … I’m not sure! I was planning on converting my small delta (RepRapPro Fisher) to smart effector. Currently, the nozzle sits quite close to the effector (an advantage as any effector tilt causes less nozzle tilt), and I’d lose a lot of print height if I mounted it hanging below, so I planned to make a mount that held the top off the hot end (cooling fins of a V6 hotend) above the smart effector, with the heater block and nozzle below, using the three holes. I haven’t actually tried it yet for fit, so not sure if it will work (plus cooling, wiring etc) but hadn’t actually thought about whether it would register as triggered. I guess it would, but possibly require more force, and may need some tuning. Someone will have to try it to find out!