Duet 3 Board GPIO input heater control
I want to read some sensor data through Duet 3 GPIO pin.
Based on the sensor data value I want to control heater output.For example, the sensor could be a moisture sensor.
- How to enable GPIO configuration and read the sensor value in Duet 3 Board?
- Which GCode should I use to read the sensor from GPIO pin.
- Is it possible to control the heater based on the sensor value received from GPIO. (Example, If the value of GPIO received is 50 then set the heater to 150C automatically )
Kindly share your insights.
Thanks -
@vijays it depends completely on the sensor - analogue, digital, details?
If you specifically want to measure humidity, a duet can talk to a DHT22 (or AM2302 if you ground the appropriate pin).
M308 S6 P"io3.out+io3.in" Y"dht22" M308 S10 P"S6.1" Y"dhthumidity" A"mb humidity[%]"
will give you a sensor 6 reading temperature and a sensor 10 (named 'mb humidity') reading humidity from a DHT22 sensor.
I don't know how / if you can control a heater from a humidity sensor, but if that's not a built-in functionality and you don't need a very fast response (given that humidity doesn't change fast, that's likely) you could put something in daemon.g that controls the heater on the basis of object model properties.
Good Tips. Thanks @achrn.
Yes. I need to read analog input data from sensor.
Using the analog data I want to control the heater. I presume it should be realtime, so that the heaters can quickly adjust to the sensor value.I was not aware of daemon.g and object model properties. Good points. I will explore these possibilities.
Thanks much.
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