Can I use a USB accelerometer with 6HC mainboard?
I was waiting for the duet IS sensor to become available near my area (Netherlands), when I saw this new add for BTT accelerometers (ADXL345 and LIS2DW12TR). They use a USB-C cable to communicate with the pi.
Is it also possible to use this type of connection? and is it supported to ue the LS2DW12TR sensor??
@SanderLPFRG no, its not currently supported to connect an accelerometer to a duet system using USB.
The LIS2DW12 also isn't currently supported. I have a feature request in for it
also, these things communicate via an RP2040 which would need firmware for it too (for use with klipper you install klipper to it) -
@jay_s_uk I understand. Is the LIS3DH supported then? just found one from ADAfruit in our drawer
@SanderLPFRG yes, the LIS3DH and LIS3DSH are supported. They should connected directly to the duet rather than the SBC
@jay_s_uk Ohkee, thanks. Where can I find documentation on how to connect it?